"Wrong." She answers her own question as the two pink lines show up almost instantly.

Hurrying to wash her hands she finds her phone dialing the OBGYN as she tries to calculate when her last period had been, knowing they'll ask.

"Cedars-Sinai Maternity, how can I help you?"

"Um, I just took a pregnancy test and I honestly can't remember when my last period was, but I'm pretty sure it was in December." She panics as she answers.

"Alright, are you an established patient with one of our doctors?"

"Ya, my name is Elodie Stewart, I've been seeing Dr. Sutton for a few years now. I really want to say my period was sometime between December seventh and seventeenth. Not sure exact dates. But I know it was after the first weekend and before the holiday week." She's pacing the room.

"Erroring on the side of caution and saying the seventh it looks like that puts you at about twelve weeks, we should see you as soon as possible."

"That would be great, considering I'm due to head to Australia next week for over a month."

"Dr. Sutton has an opening at 1:30pm today, would that work for you?"

"I can be there then."

"We will see you in an hour then, Elodie."

"Thank you." She sighs, dropping the phone to the bed as she hurries to change, dragging a brush through the tangled mess of hair attached to her head before running out the door.

The entire drive she wonders how she could have missed something so huge, the times she'd felt funny or nothing seemed appetizing, when she'd fallen asleep multiple times in the middle of the day for no reason at all. The slight weight gain she'd blamed on the holidays and stressing over this special tour the band is working on. It all makes sense now, it all coincides with what the lady on the phone said. It's all within the last twelve weeks... Her worst fear though is this having an effect on the tour set to start in just ten days on the opposite side of the world.

"Good afternoon, how can we help you today?" The receptionist greets her as she walks into the clinic ten minutes before her appointment.

"I was scheduled in last minute with Dr. Sutton at 1:30, I got a positive pregnancy test an hour or so ago. Um, Elodie Stewart is the name." She answers not so smoothly, talking to people is not her strongest attribute and especially not when she's flustered.

"Congratulations, I'll have you fill out these forms, and I'll need to take a copy of your driver's license please." Elodie hands over the card, taking the clipboard she's handed, seeing it's the typical consent and insurance forms. Finding a seat she starts to fill them out, trying to push down all the anxieties trying to fill her mind currently.

"Elodie Stewart." A nurse calls her name after a good twenty minutes. Standing quickly she follows the lady back, doing as she's instructed through some vitals and samples before being told to wait in a room for her doctor. Jumping slightly as her phone vibrates, having forgotten all about the world outside this little clinic up until that point.


Hope you're feeling
better, let me know
when you're up. I
love you

She can't get herself to respond, not sure what to even say to him right now. This is not a conversation to have over text, and definitely not before she has some sort of answers to all the questions he will be asking. Grateful when the doctor knocks only moments later she smiles at the aging man as he walks in. She'd chosen Dr. Sutton off a recommendation of a friend, feeling someone more secure with a male doctor. Sadie and Crystal both told her that was probably due to all the villains in her life being women, but whether that is true or not is still up for debate.

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