twenty six

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5 months later.

Today was the day I got to see Jack in 5 long excruciating months.

The last couple months I've noticed Jack and I have slightly been drifting, but he's busy as am I so I'm praying it doesn't mean anything serious.

It couldn't mean anything bad, I know it can't mean anything bad. We have future plans for fucks sake.

We promised we would work through the long distance until I graduate and then we would figure something out.

I was at the airport with Trevor waiting for Jack. I was chewing on my lip and my knee was bouncing up and down. I was so excited it was making me nervous.

My eyes were glued to the entrance of the airport, dozens of people walking in and out, but no Jack.

"His flight landed at 10:30, right," I asked Trevor.

"Yeah," he responded from the drivers seat not looking up from his phone.

"It's 10:47, where is he?" I asked playing with my fingers.

Why am I so nervous?

"Look out your window and you'll see," Trevor said looking up from his phone pointing out my window.

I turned my head to look out the window, and sure enough my dirty blonde haired boyfriend was walking towards Trevors car with a suit case trailing behind him.

I immediately opened the door and ran up to him jumping in his arms longing to be embraced by him. I pulled my head away from being nuzzled in the crook of his neck and laid a longed and passionate kiss on his lips which he eagerly returned.

I pulled away after a few seconds, remembering we are in a public setting with Trevor present.

"I'm so excited to see you Jacky!" I said lowering myself onto the ground out of his arms.

"I've missed you Livvy," he said kissing my forehead.

His tone seemed a little weird, almost as if he wasn't excited to be here and see me, but he did just have a 5 and a half hour flight so I wasn't personally offended.

Trevor came out of the car a few seconds later dapping Jack up.

"Why aren't you on the PJ with the rest of your team?" Trevor asked.

"I asked coach if I could come a day early, paid for my own flight. He understood the girlfriend thing and didn't have a problem with it," Jack explained grabbing his suit case walking it over to the trunk of Trevors orange Bronco.


Jack was taking me out to a steak house in town tonight.

I was in my room getting ready, applying light makeup consisting of blush, concealer, mascara, a little bit of contour, and a small eye liner wing. I had blow dried and lightly curled my hair after my shower and was wearing a pair of light blue white washed high waisted denim jeans. I had my Nike Air Forces on and a cute cropped red sweater on top.

I was finishing up applying my mascara when Jack walking in my room and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

I have to admit, he has been acting weird the whole time he's been here and I don't know why.

"Ready to go soon?" Jack asked.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue denim jeans that hugged his thighs and ass but loosened at his knees and below. He was wearing his Nike Air Forces, matching mine and he had a slightly oversized but also slim fitting grey cruneck on top.

brothers best friend.. jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now