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Jack had been in Anaheim for about two weeks, and he was going back to Jersey in 2 days.

The two of us had been spending most of our time together when he wasn't at the rink practicing and I wasn't at school.

"I have a crazy idea," Jack said while we were cuddling on the couch together watching 'Greys Anatomy'.

"What?" I said turning my head to him.

"What if you came to Jers with me and stayed for a while? You could take your classes online, and we could be together for a while and see if this is really what we want to do," he said with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"What do you mean see if this is what we really want?" I asked.

"If we really want to have a relationship."

"I think I'll go to Jersey with you," I said smiling placing a kiss to his lips.

Over the last week and a half, Jack and I had really built our relationship. We never confirmed if we were dating or boyfriend girlfriend or not, but we were definitely something. I think the idea Jack had of me coming to New Jersey with him was a good idea.

"How long would I stay?" I asked.

"A week maybe? Not too long, you still have school and you can't leave Trevor here all alone."

"That sounds good," I said smiling.

Jack and I hadn't exactly told Trevor about what was going on between us. I'm sure he suspected some things because we were with each other all the time, but he couldn't prove anything until one of us confirmed it.

About 5 minutes later my phone started buzzing.


trev 🤨
i left my key inside
can u let me in i'm waiting rn

yeah give me a minute

trev 🤨
ight word

"Trev forgot his key I gotta go let him inside," I said getting off the couch.

"No, stay here," Jack said putting up grabby arms pouting.

"Baby," I said laughing as I walked over to open the door for Trevor.

"Thank you," Trevor said walking inside taking off his hat and shoes.

"Yep," I said walking back over to the couch to sit next to Jack, but with distance because Trevor was with us now.

"Hey Jacky, when do you leave?" Trev asked sitting in between Jack and I.

"Uh two days."

"Shit? That soon?" Trevor asked disappointed. "We barley saw each other I feel."

"I know dude," Jack said patting his back.

"How about we go for dinner tonight?" Trev asked looking back between me and Jack.


"I'm down."

"Ok cool, everyone go get ready," Trev said getting up heading to his room.

"Hey, T, can we talk?" I asked getting up following him. I nervously looked back at Jack before following with Trevor.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Let's go to your room," I said and we walked to his room.

I sat on his bed and he sat on his desk chair. "Ok, you know about Jack and I I'm sure," I said.

"Are you really together?" He asked.

"No, but we have a thing, and before you say anything Trev, you and my best friend are basically dating, it's the same thing with Jack and I so you have no right to be mad or upset at all."


"I'm not done."

"I understand this might make you uncomfortable or feel weird, but you can't help who you fall for, and I'm very supportive of you and Bella."


"Let me finish T."

"I really-"

"Liv! It's ok!" He said.

"Tre- wait what?"

"I'm ok with you and Jack being together."

"You are?"

"Yes, I've never had a problem with it, ever, and I'm glad you told me instead of doing it behind my back, because then yes I probably would've been upset," he said and lightly smiled.

"Thank you Trev," I said smiling. "Now, Jack leaves in 2 days, and he asked me to go with him and I think I'm gonna go. It'll only be for like a week or something, but I wanted to tell you."


"Your fine with it?" I asked.

"I can't control your life Liv, of course I'm fine with it."

"Thank you Trev," I said and got up to hug him.

"Of course big sissy," he said and we both laughed.


"Guess who's going to Jersey!" I announced as I walked into my room to see Jack getting ready for dinner.

"Really?" He asked excited.


"Oh I'm so happy Liv," he said and hugged me spinning in circles. "Now get ready for dinner."

fun fact i actually live in jersey so it's gonna be fun to write about it!

thank you everybody for all the votes and support i've gotten on this!! i love each and every one of you!!

brothers best friend.. jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now