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Trevor was out of the shower and him and I were watching netflix when there was a knock on our apartment door.

"That's probably Jack" Trevor said as he got up to open the door. A few seconds after Trevor got up I trailed behind.

I hadn't reached the door yet, but I knew Jack was here as I heard jeers of joy coming from Trevor, and who I assumed was Jack. I was correct.

I stood behind Trevor awkwardly not knowing how to approach Jack. Trevor backed up into me almost falling over, realizing we hadn't been properly introduced. "Jack this is Liv, you remember her right?" Trevor said.

"Of course, how could I forget" Jack said smiling reaching out to shake my hand. "Z your sister had the whole NTDP drooling, I don't think anyone forgot her."

Trevor scoffed and reached out for Jacks bags to take them to his room. he had a huge suitcase.. for 3 nights?

"Why do you have such a big bag, aren't you staying for 3 nights?" I asked.

"Trev must have forgot to tell you" Jack laughed. "I'm staying for 2 weeks, annual roadie."

2 weeks?

"He must have forgot to mention."

"Oh, yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you" Trevor yelled from the hallway leading to his bedroom as Jack chuckled.

"I hope that's not a problem?" Jack said sounding like he was questioning me.

"No, no not at all!" I reassured him.


"It'll be fun having you around, it's usually just Trev and I so it'll be nice to have someone else around!" I said.

Half lie.

"And we can catch up, it's been a while since we've last talked" I finished saying.


"Yeah, definitely" Jack said smiling. "I'm gonna go see what Z is doing."

"Ok" I said and watched him walk away.

I had been sitting in my room for around an hour, bored out of my mind. Trevor and Jack were playing Playstation, I was scrolling through Instagram and TikTok, bored. To cure my boredom, I decided to cook dinner. Sautéed shrimp over a garden salad and mac n cheese.

I got out of bed and changed into a pair of Trevor's old NTDP sweatpants and a WCU cruneck.

"Hey Trev, hey Jack" I said shutting the door to my room walking past them into the kitchen.

"Hi" they both said in unison.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked me.

"I was gonna make dinner" I replied opening the refrigerator to see what ingredients we had and what we didn't have.

"What are you making?" Trevor then said.

"I was planning on making shrimp over garden salad and mac n cheese" I said writing down what I needed to get from the store. Shrimp, cheese, bread crumbs, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and carrots.

"Oh my god Jack Liv makes the absolute best mac n cheese you are going to fall in love" Trevor gushed at the thought. It's true though, I do make the best mac n cheese.

"I'm excited to try it" Jack said looking away from his game of C.O.D smiling at me. My god he has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I lightly smiled back before walking to my room to grab my wallet and a pair of sneakers before leaving.

"Hey, T, I'm gonna go to the store and grab something's for dinner" I said walking over to the front door.

"Ok, I have to run over to the pond (honda center) for like an hour" Trevor said getting up off the couch grabbing a pair of shoes to put on. "Jack, do you wanna come with or stay here?"

"I'll go to the store with Olivia" he said. "If that's ok" He followed looking over to me.

I glanced over at Trevor and he shrugged giving me my answer. "Yeah that's fine."

"Cool" he said getting off the couch putting his shoes on and walking over to the door to Trevor and I.
Jack and I were walking around gathering the items on my list making small talk and I have to say, he's really fun to hang out with.

"We need one more thing" I said laughing at the conversation we were just having.

"Which is?" He asked trailing of the 's' making us both start cracking up.


"Onward" he said pointing to the frozen seafood isle. I giggled and followed.

"Those ones" I said pointing to the bag of shrimp I needed.

Jack must have tried to be helpful because without realizing we both reached out for the bag and our hands ended up touching. He pulled away hesitant at first but then quickly red faced.

"Sorry" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine, thanks for trying to help" I awkwardly laughed putting the bag of shrimp in the basket before walking over to the check out line.

I was about to put my debit card into the machine when someone grabbed my hand and slipped their card in before I had a chance.


"Jack!" I yelped still in his grasp. "Why did you do that!"

"Because" he said putting in his card pin.

"Because why?"

"Because I'm staying at your house for 2 weeks and I'm gonna be eating all your food and it's the least I could do" he rambled.

"Jack you didn't have to do that" I said as he pulled his card out and put it into his wallet.

"I know, but I did" he said grabbing all the bags.

"At least let me carry a bag, Jack."


brothers best friend.. jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now