twenty five

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Jack, Trevor, and I were currently in the car on the way to the air port. We were mostly silent, Jack was driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat, my left hand linked with Jacks right.

Trevor was in the back seat behind me staring out the window which gave me reason to believe he too was upset about leaving Michigan.

Jack had the radio playing 'No Shoes Radio', a country station. The music was playing lowly disrupting the silence, but I was grateful for it. The low playing of the music was making the eerie and depressing car ride slightly more bearable.

Fuck I'm going to miss Jack so much. The first 6 months of our relationship were long distance, but it got hard sometimes with the different time zones and our very different and busy schedules.

Though Jack and I had struggles with being long distance, we made it work because we both want to be with each other so desperately.

A few dreaded minutes later, we arrived at the air port and Jack pulled up and stopped in front of the entrance to drop us off.

The three of us got out of Jacks Range Rover and walked to the trunk of the car to get our bags out.

Trevor got his bags out before Jack helped me with getting mine out. After Jack took my bag out of the trunk, he sent them down and embraced me into a huge long hug.

Oh how I was going to miss his hugs. How I'm going to miss him.

"We'll see each other soon Livvy," Jack whispered in my ear not breaking the hug. "The time will pass so quickly."

"I know," I said sniffling trying to hold back tears I didn't realize I was holding in until now.

"Liv baby don't cry," Jack said pulling away from the hug wiping my tears away kissing me on my nose. "We're going to text and call every day. I'm going to mail you stupid shit all the time and I can fly you out to Jersey whenever you want," he said making me slightly smile.

"I know, we'll be ok. Only a year until we can be together for good," I said quickly regretting my choice of words. "Not like- I mean we don't have to do anything like that if you don't want- I didn't mean it like that-" I babbled.

"Liv, it's ok, everything is going to work out," Jack said laughing at me.

Jack pulled me in for another hug before passionately kissing me.

I'm going to miss Jack so much.

"You're my friend Olivia," Jack said breaking the kiss.

"What about Trevor?" I giggled.

"You're my best friend."

"You're mine," I replied hugging him one last time before Trevor broke us up telling me we were going to miss out flight.

"You're whipped dude," Trevor said to Jack before pulling him into a hug saying their goodbyes.

Eventually, Trevor and I had to make out way to our gate, leading us to say bye to Jack until December.

Trevor and I reached out gate shortly after getting airport starbucks.

We were sitting on the connecting seats in silence before Trevor broke it and said, "he loves you Liv."



"What about Jack?"

"He loves you. 'You're my best friend'. He's so in love with you Liv," Trevor said.

"If Jack loved me he would've told me, Trevor," I said.

"But that's where you're wrong, I know my best friend."

"And I know my boyfriend," I argued.

Does he love me?


Jack Hughes

I love her.

I fucking love her and I didn't tell her.

What he fuck is wrong with me?

How did I let Liv leave me for 5 months and not mention the three words I've been meaning to tell her since the first day I saw her in 6 months?

I'm scared.

I'm being a pussy. A little bitch because I'm scared she doesn't feel that same way about me when she clearly does.

All I want is to be in her life every second of ever day, but I can't do that.

Fuck Anaheim California and fuck different schedules.

All I want is for her to be with me now. Be in the car going back to my house not going to New York with Trevor.

So what if I'm being selfish? Olivia Zegras is my world, and I want her with me all the time.

5 months is all I have to wait to see her. That isn't so bad, not too long. It's better than a year.

5 months I have to wait to tell Olivia Zegras I love her.

I love Olivia Zegras.

I am in love with Olivia Zegras.

I am in love with Olivia Zegras.

brothers best friend.. jack hughesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora