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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, wrapped in Jacks arms, remembering everything from last night.

Well, maybe everything, I thought to myself as I pulled up the comforter to see if I was clothed or unclothed.

Oh thank god.


I slipped out of Jacks arms, grabbed my phone and went into the kitchen seeing Bella and Trev sitting next to each other, having coffee, laughing, and.. Trevor's hand was resting on Bella's thigh.

"Have you too finally confessed your feelings to one other?" I asked leaning against the wall behind them.

They both turned around shocked and Trevor quickly pulled his hand away and put it behind his back.

"Relax T, I've been waiting for this you guys are good," I said laughing as I walked past them over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. "I'm gonna go to starbucks, do you guys want anything?"

"Um, no I'm good," Trevor said.

"No thank you Livvy," Bella said smiling awkwardly.


"Oh. Liv?" Trevor said as I was walking to my room to get ready.

"Yo," I responded.

"What's up with you and Jack?" He asked.

"Um, nothing," I said turning away from him.

"I know he's in your room, Olivia," he said.

"I slept on the floor, he didn't want to be in the same room you were with Bella, just incase."

"Olivia don't-"

"Trevor, nothing happened, butt out of it," I said and walked away with the final word.

I walked into my room and grabbed a pair of leggings and a cruneck to change into.

"Are you not going to tell him?" I heard a voice from behind me say.

"How am I supposed to tell him I still have feeling and kissed his best friend?"

"He's practically dating Bella, he should be fine with it if your fine with it," Jack said sitting up resting his weight on his elbows and forearms.

"Jack it's different," I said sighing.

"How is it different, Liv?" He asked furrowing his eye brows.

"Because Bella and Trevor have been in love since forever. You and I had crushed on each other through highschool and just found out last night," I said leaning against my dresser crossing my arms.

"I don't understand how it's different," He said. "Your best friend is dating your brother, your brothers best friend wants to date his sister. It's the same thing just roles reversed."

"Jack, how do you think Trevor would feel if he found out his best friend and sister were sneaking around? At least Trev and Bella never did anything."

"So what your saying we both spent pretty much the last 4 years for nothing? You knew this would happen eventually Liv. You knew we were going to eventually see each other and something was eventually going to happen," Jack said visibly getting more upset.

"Jack, we can't do anything to make Trevor upset-"

"How would us possibly dating upset him? It has nothing to do with him!" He said.

"Jack he's my brother and your best friend! It could make him uncomfortable, or upset because you might pick me over him. I'm not doing something he would be uncomfortable with at least before I talk to him and explain the situation," I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"That's all I'm asking," Jack said getting out of my bed walking over to me. "Please, that's all I'm asking," he repeated now standing over me placing his hands on my arms.

I immediately softened in his grip. "I'll talk to him, I promise."

"I'm gonna go to starbucks? Do you want to come?" I asked.

Jacked smiled and placed a small kiss on my lips. "Yes."

"I'm gonna go get ready in the bathroom, you get ready in here and then we can go," I said picking up my clothes and walking to the bathroom.


Jack and I were sitting in my car parked in the starbucks parking lot.

"Where do you wanna go now?" I said looking over at Jack. We had ordered our starbucks through the drive-thru and we're now sitting in the parking lot debating on what to do.

"We could just go for a drive," Jack suggested.



Jack and I had been driving for around an hour and a half. We ended up by the water, and even though it was winter in Anaheim, it was around 55° and sunny so having the windows rolled down felt nice. (guys in new jersey 55° and sunny during the winter is weather we wear shorts and tshirts in so bear with me 🥲🥲).

"Yknow your really pretty, Liv," Jack said to me.

"I've been told," I said smiling as I pulled into a view stop looking into the water.

"By who?" He asked clearly oblivious.

"You," I said giggling. "A very drunk you."

"Oh," he said suddenly turning red.

"It was very cute Mr. Hughes," I said giggling again.

"Was it now?" He said inching his face closer to mine.

"It was," I said as our faces were getting closer together.


"Mhm," was all I got out before our lips collided together.

brothers best friend.. jack hughesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant