twenty one

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6 months later

It has been a full 6 months since Jack had asked me to be his girlfriend and it has felt like the slowest 6 months of my life.

Off season couldn't have come quicker.

Today was the first time in 6 long excruciating months that I would get to see my boyfriend and I was practically jumping up and down as Trevor and I were walking out of the air port.

jacky 🫶🏻🫶🏻

jacky 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i'm in the very front of the airport, like literally dead center.

what car do u have?

jacky 🫶🏻🫶🏻
matte grey range rover

i see u!!

I basically dropped my phone and bags as I sprinted over to Jack and jumped in his arms giving him the biggest kiss I had been longing.

"Enough with the pda, we'll be home soon," Trevor said walking over to us now holding his and my bags.

"I've missed you, Jacky," I confessed as he lowered me to the ground.

"I missed you too, L, but now we have all summer to spend together," Jack said picking up my bags putting the in the back of the car.

Trevor and Jack put everything in the trunk as I watched and then I raced Trevor to the front seat, and I obviously won.

"That's not fair you cheated," Trevor complained climbing into the back seat.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"I am not listening to you two argue," Jack said looking at Trevor.

"Why are you only looking at me! She started it," he said groaning leaning back in his seat.

I smiled because I knew I was going to have a very fun summer teaming up on Trevor.

"I like your mom car, babe," I said to Jack as he turned the car on.

"I agree with Liv," Trevor said while Jack put the car into drive.

"It is not a mom car," Jack said.

"Uhm it kind of is," I said laughing

"This isn't fair I like my car," Jack said pouting.

"Oh it's a nice car, it's just, quite momish for a 21 year old NHL player."

"Yeah Rowdy you should get an upgrade. What about a duck mobile like me?" Trevor said sliding to the middle seat sticking his head between us.

"Put your seatbelt on, Z," Jack said looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"Sorry mom," Trevor said rolling his eyes flipping his middle finger up pulling on a seat belt.

Oh how excited I am for this summer.


Once we arrived at the Hughes household, Ellen immediately ran out of the house greeting us and giving us the biggest hugs

brothers best friend.. jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now