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Jack and I beat Trevor home, so Jack went off to take a shower while I started preparing to make dinner.

About 30 minutes later, I was sautéing shrimp while the pasta was cooking when Jack walked out of Trevor's room and sat at the island across from me.

"Do you need any help?" He asked me.

"Uh, yeah could you wash the vegetables and cut them please?"

"Yeah I got you" he said while hopping off the stool and walking over to the counter grabbing the vegetables, a knife and a strainer.

Jack began prepping the vegetables, washing and cutting them while I finished cooking the shrimp and shut off the stove. I started another pan putting butter and flour in making a rue. After the rue cooked off for a little I added milk in, then took the cheese I shredded and added it in until it melted.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jack sitting on his phone.

"Hey, Jack can you take the pasta off the stove and strain it?" I asked.

"Yup" he said popping the 'p' as he hopped off the stool.

He walked over to the stove brushing against me as he picked up the pot walking over to the sink placing the strainer in the sink pouring the pasta in. He poured the pasta back into the pot after straining it and brought it back over to the stove.

"Do you need help with anything else?" He asked me.

"Maybe putting everything into the casserole dish" I said as I finished melting in the cheese to the béchamel.

"Ok" he said.

I mixed the pasta into my mixture stirring it so everything was evenly mixed.

"Ok, can you hold the pot up while I dump everything into the dish?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he said as we switched spots so I was in a better position to spoon out the mac n cheese and Jack could hold the pot better.

He picked up the pot and leaned it over the casserole dish so it was easy for me to spoon it out. I took a spatula and got all the contents out of the pot before I made the bread crumb mixture. I melted butter and mixed in breadcrumbs with a fork, then sprinkled them all over the dish of mac n cheese, then putting it into the oven for 30 minutes.

"Thank you" I said smiling to Jack.

"Of course" he said. "Do you need help with anything else?"

"I think I'm ok, I just need to put the lettuce, shrimp and vegetables in a bowl."

"Ok, I'll be in the TV room."

I smiled as he walked off and I finished making dinner. 30 minutes later, the timer for the mac n cheese was done so I took it out and set it on the stove to cool down. Trevor got home about 20 minutes ago and him and Jack were playing PlayStation, again.

"Guys dinners ready" I called out.

"We'll be right in, this is an important game" Trevor yelled not realizing how loud he was.

As they finished their 'super important game of COD' I set out napkins and forks around the island in the kitchen and took three plates out serving myself leaving the other two for Jack and Trev.

"Guys your foods gonna get cold hurry up."

"Ok, mom" Trev said walking into the kitchen grabbing his plate Jack following behind him.

Jack snickered scooping mac n cheese onto his plate waiting for Trevor to finish with the salad. A few minutes later we were all sitting down eating our delicious food I had prepared.

"Omg Liv this is amazing" Trevor gushed shoving huge bites of mac n cheese into his mouth.

"I second that" Jack responded, also shoving massive bites into his mouth.

I laughed as I said, "as much as I appreciate your guys's compliments, I won't be able to get anymore of you choke so take smaller bites and don't talk with food in your mouth."

"Sorry, Liv" Jack said furrowing his eyebrows looking at me.

"Dude, don't be sorry this shit is immaculate" Trevor said nudging him, still shoving mac n cheese in his mouth.

"Trevor eat your salad" I said, noticing Jack was taking smaller bites.


After we ate and made small talk, I decided I was going to take a shower. I cleared my dishes and put them in the dishwasher and told Jack and Trev to do the same before I went to my room then to my bathroom. I turned on my speaker and put on my shower playlist before turning on the water and grabbing my towels.

After my shower, I stepped out of the bathroom into my room to get changed, but I was met with something else.

"Why are you in my room" I asked staring at the boy confused.

"Trevor left and said he won't be back til late tonight and he told me to hang out with you" He said looking up from his phone then quickly looked away, "holy shit I'm so sorry" he said looking at me in just my towel.

I walked over to my dresser to get clean clothes, but when I looked up I saw someone looking at me from my mirror. "I see you looking at me, Hughsey" I said smirking looking at his face grow bright red.

"Sorry" he said stuttering his words as I laughed.

"I'm busting your ball, Hughes, but don't let Trevor find out he'll kill you" I said laughing as I turned to walk back into the bathroom.

brothers best friend.. jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now