Chapter 4

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A new school day started in chaos; it had been released to the press that All Might was teaching at UA. Hitoshi was pushing Nami through the crowd by the shoulders. 

"Hey, you two!" the reporter shouted running after them. "Tell us what changes you think All Might will bring to this school?"

"We are in a hurry for the library," Hitoshi answered as he pushed Nami faster through the crowd. Soon enough everyone was in their classes as the media tried to figure out how to get passed UA's borders.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys," Aizawa said. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo." Nami glanced at him; she had a pretty good concept of who she sat around. Behind Jiro, and in front of Sero. On sides of her were Izuku and Kirishima. Diganonlly, Bakugo, Mineta, Koda, and Kaminari. " You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

Bakugo grunted looking away. "Yeah, whatever."

"And Midoriyda," Aizawa began; the boy flinched. "I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your Quirk. That line's already getting old." Nami glanced at him. "You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your Quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it." Izuku gasped with a smile; looking back at the teacher. "So show a little urgency, huh?"

"Right!" Midoriya chimed. 

"Let's get down to business," Aizawa continued with the rest of the class. "Our first task will decide your future."

'Is there another Quirk test?' everyone asked. 

"You all need to pick a class representative," Aizawa advised. 

'Oh good,' Everyone smiled in relief. 'Just normal school stuff!'

"Pick me, guys!" Kirishima urged. "I wanna be class rep!"

"I'll take it!" Kaminari offered as he raised his hand

Jiro raised her hand as well. "Yeah, you're gonna need me!"

"Someone with style would be best," Aoyama said as he raised his hand.

"I can apply my flower shop knowledge to lead!" Nami offered as she stood out of her seat a little, without knowing it a slight glow around her body. Sometimes if Nami gets a little too enthusiastic or feels other emotions a bit too much her Quirk leaks out making her body glow; everyone around her or behind her began alert of it.

"I'm, like, totally the right pick!" Ashido smiled as she waved her arms. Everyone, but Shoto seemed to be trying to sell themselves to the rest of the class.

"SILENCE EVERYONE, PLEASE!" Iida shouted; everyone looked at him. "The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not just something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!"

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you," everyone said. 

"Is this really the best idea?" Kaminari asked.

Tsu put a finger to her face. "We've only known each other for a few days, how do we know who we should trust?"

"Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves," Kirishima added.

"Most people will," Iida acknowledged. "But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job." 

"You are putting way too much trust in people you don't really know," Nami said.

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