Chapter 7

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Days passed; they knew it was the morning of the festival. Nami headed down the steps to the flower shop; she saw her dad was still there.

"You're going to be late you don't leave now," Nami said.

"Morning!" Dad greeted her with a big smile. "I'm not going to work today?"

Nami started to panic. "Please tell me I didn't get you fired!"

Dad started to laugh. "Not at all! I'm staying back to help and the shop." Nami let out a sigh of relief. " Your mother and I will be watching the festival from here together."

"We'll be rooting for you Nami," Mom said as she walked over going over with a paper; she was going over the transactions from yesterday. "Make sure to not be harsh on Shotot."

"No promises, Mom," Nami said. "It's the sports festival, I am going out there to give me all even if it means destroying Shoto in the process."

Sana turned to her husband. "Maybe you should go into the agency, less likely to get fired."

Ryo laughed more. "It's a sports festival, Sana...this is a huge step for them in their hero journey." Mom sighed. 

"Don't worry too much Mom," Nami said. "Shoto is much stronger than I am...I just need to hope I am more precise in my decisions to outmaneuver him."

"Do your best!" the two urged.

"Morning, Takedas," Shinso greeted as he walked into the store. After getting showered with words of good luck, the two students set off for the sports festival.

"Your mom went a bit overboard," Shinso said as he stared at the bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"She didn't make you pay for them," Nami pointed out. "Let's give it our all today, Hitoshi!" She patted him on the bit harshly.

"Putting friendship aside for this," Shinso said as he glanced down at her. Nami herself was carrying a large number of hydrangeas flowers. "No harsh feelings." Soon they were at the school; they went separate locker rooms; once that held each class. 

"Hey, hey, hey, guys!" Nami greeted kicking in the door.

"Woah!" Urakaka breathed as she popped up by her. "Are those all for you?"

"Nope!" Nami denied. "My mom had me bring a hydrangea for each of you for good luck!"

Yaoyorozu put a hand over her mouth and blushed Nami started to hand them out. "How thoughtful!"

"Please refrain from kicking doors open," Tokoyami advised. "It's not polite."

"Aw, man," Ashido groaned as she pulled at her track clothes. "I was totally hoping I could wear my costume."

Ojiro was stretching next to her. "At least everyone'll be in uniforms. That'll keep things fair, right?" All the girls were beyond happy to receive a flower; some of the boys were unsure how to feel.

"I wonder what they'll have in store for us in the first round," Sato said as Nami watched in concern as Mineta heavily sniffed his flower. 

"No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere," Tokoyami advised. 

The door slid open revealing Iida. "Everyone, get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!"

"For good luck!" Nami urged as she gave Iida a flower; he melted a bit feeling the love.

"Swallow your fear, swallow your fear, swallow your fear!" Mineta said as he pretended to eat from his hand.

"Midoriya," Todoroki said as Nami was giving Bakugo his flower; he was trying to refuse it and Nami was refusing to let him refuse it.

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