Chapter 13

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Nami went to go change into her costume, in the locker room she saw a girl with dark blue hair and light blue skin.

"Welcome to the agency!" the girl cheered. "I'm one of Sir's sidekicks! Bubble Girl!"

"Nami Takeda!" Nami greeted waving her hands. "Wonderful to meet you!"

"Sir rarely sends an internship offer," said Bubble Girl. "He took an interest in you at the sports festival. Despite, the ending of your fighting with Endeavor's kid, you kept your composure without shame."

Nami smiled sheepishly putting her hand behind her head. "That's not the reason he---"

"No," denied Bubble Girl cutting her off. "Even in a bad situation, you remained humorous which is what the world needs."

"Oh good," said Nami with relief. "Though my mom is in large disagreement, chased me around with a  broom for having no shame." She laughed lightly; Bubble Girl did too. After Nami changed into her costume, she walked the streets with Sir.

"Heroes are meant to help keep crime down, and bring a sense of security and peace to civilians," explained Sir. "There are many hero agencies in cities; all with a specific area to overlook. Would you only have one hero agency in Tokyo?"

"No no," answered Nami making her arms into an 'x'. "That sounds like a disaster for civilians and heroes all together."

"Why would it be a disaster for the heroes when it's their job to protect?" asked Sir looking back at her.

Nami tilted her head. "Even though they are heroes; they are still human." Nami smiled. "Having All Might for a teacher made me see that more than before."

"How so?" asked Sir. "Are you ridiculing his teaching?"

"He's a great teacher!" assured Nami waving her hands around. "He is always looking at his notes in class, and I can tell he's secretly afraid of Recovery Girl." Sir smiled looking forward. While on patrol; Nami assisted Sir in recovering a stolen purse and stopping carjacking, he explained more of how the agencies work.

"Wow sir," breathed Nami as she skipped alongside him. "You are super strong."

"Some heroes have side jobs," said Sir putting his five-kilogram seal back into his pocket. "What would you do?"

"I already have a job," said Nami. "I work at my family's flower shop; so I'll just stay there."

"We are going back to the agency," said Sir. "We will do some training work."

"Sir!" responded Nami. Back at the agency in a room: Nami stood in a room facing Sir.

"During your fight, I noticed you relied heavily on your quirk; while it is a good thing; it is also a flaw," said Sir,

"Hm?" asked Nami tilting her head.

"It is as you said earlier; heroes are still human," said Sir pushing up his glasses. "Show me a punch!"

"Right!" responded Nami doing as instructed.

"Even when you are doing something wrong you are full of energy," said Sir. "You can come in now, Mirio!"

"Sir!" responded a voice sliding the door open. Nami recognized the boy from the hallways and a previous sports festival. He was tall and very muscular, with beady blue eyes and blonde which was in a cowlick. "I recognize you from the sports festival!"

"I recognize you from a previous one!" exclaimed Nami putting a hand on her cheek. "You lost your clothes!"

"Sorry if you saw my willy!" responded Miriro walking up to her. "It seems we both had that problem!"

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