Chapter 9

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At the lunch break, Nami was sitting across the table with Shinso while nibbling on a rice ball. 

"You did amazing out there, Hitoshi!" Nami complimented. 

"Thanks," Shinso said, scratching the back of his head. "We both made it to the final round."

Nami gave a thumbs up. "Remember you have to come at me with everything you got."

Shinso smiled tilting his head. "I trust you to do the same." He looked at his meat bun. "I want to talk to you about that teleportation move of yours." Nami tilted her head. "How does it work?"

"Essentially it feels like getting sucked in and out of a black hole without getting spaghettified," answered Nami putting her rice ball down, Shinso looked up at her. "It takes up a lot of energy, so I don't think I'll be using it often until I get stronger." Shinso tilted his head the other way. 

"What is your goal with the Sports festival?" asked Shinso. "Are you aiming for the top?"

"Not anymore," Nami admitted crossing her arms. "In this next round, all of us will get to truly display our quirks and how we use it. You need to focus on it too."

"I'm not in the hero course," Shinso reminded her.

Nami reached across the table bunking him on the head. "People are still going to take notice of you, and when that switch happens from general studies to hero course, you are going to have agencies lined up wanting you!"

"Right," Shinso said looking down at the table. "So, what is your goal now?"

"I do wish to beat Todoroki," admitted Nami. " He is the son of my dad's boss." Shinso started laughing. "If I lose all that matters is that I display I can wield my quirk well."

" Just keep Todoroki guessing at what you thinking," Shinso advised leaning across the table. "Your blank most of the time makes people think nothing goes on up there in that head of yours." Nami pouted putting a hand on top of her head. "I'm saying it's an advantage, Nami."

 After lunch, Nami was informed that all the girls had to wear a cheerleader uniform. So Yaoyorozu made them for all in Class 1-A. 

"Get those foam fingers in the air!" Present Mic shouted. "It's almost time for the last round! But before that! Good news for everyone who didn't make the finals. Since this is a sports festival, we've prepared some super-fun side games that everyone can participate in! We even brought in cheerleaders from America to get your blood pumping!"

"Ah--" Aizawa gasped.

"Hold up," Present Mic said.

"What are they doing?" Aizawa asked. Nami glanced around to see the girls in her class were the only ones in cheer uniforms for UA. She looked to see the other girls feeling defeated and embarrassed. 

"Looks like Class 1-A is going' full-on fan service!" Present Mic announced Kaminari and Mineta cackled.

What?! You tricked us?" Yaoyorozu shouted angrily at the two. "You're gonna regret this!" She fell to her knees in defeat. "Why is it that I always end up falling for that little pervert's stupid schemes?" Urakaka and Eva kneeled beside her. "I even used my Quirk to make these outfits."

"Ugh, I hate those guys!" Jiro growled throwing her pompoms to the ground.

"Well, we do have a little time before the finals start, and I kinda like these uniforms, so..." Haragkure said as she waved her pompoms around. "How 'bout we just roll with it!" She danced around a bit.

"Are you crazy!" Jiro yelled.

"Wow, Toru. You've got skills," Tsu complimented.

"I'm with Hagakure on this one," said Nami clapping her pom poms together. "I feel super cute!" She then struck a pose while sticking out her tongue.

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