Chapter 2

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A few weeks after the results on a Saturday, Nami was working at the flower shop when she heard a cough. She looked back to see a boy with half-white and half-red hair, two different color eyes, grey and blue, and a noticeable scar on the blue eye side.

"Shoto," Nami greeted in surprise as she stood up. Shoto Todoroki was Endeavor's youngest son...Nami saw Shoto a couple of times a year due to the fact her dad works for his dad. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard from Fuyumi that you got into UA," Shoto answered. 

Nami nodded. "Are you going as well?" He nodded. "Let me guess, hero course?"

"I want to be like him," Shoto answered as he studied the flowers. "All Might." Shoto began to help Nami at the flower shop as they caught up a bit. 

"Shoto?" Mom asked as she came into the shop; she had been out with her sister. "Oh, Shoto! Great to see you!" He nodded. "Would you like to stay for dinner? If I recall you like, soba?"

"Thank you," Shoto nodded. 


A few months passed, and Nami spent a lot of her time doing more training with Hitoshi, at the flower shop and focusing on her studies; Hitoshi was at the register as Nami was fixing the bouquets. 

"I did more research on Eraserhead," Hitoshi said after the customer left. 

"He's pretty cool!" Nami said as she spun to look at him. "Just so cool!"

"He likes cats," Hitoshi said.

"Ah!" Nami exclaimed. "You should definitely look up to him!"

"Because we both like cats?" Hitoshi asked as he looked at her.

"Well, yeah!" Nami confirmed. "Cat lovers are bound together forever!" Hitoshi rolled his eyes as a customer stepped up.


The strangest in the new chapter of Nami's life was Shoto. She was currently at a tea place as the two did homework together. Dad was beyond happy that the two were trying to have a friendship.

"Nami," Shoto began as he looked up; she glanced his way. " At UA, you will probably be my only friend; I have no intentions of creating bonds with the others."

"Don't count on that completely," Nami advised. "The future holds many possibilities." Shoto looked at her. "Your dad isn't much of a friend-making person either...maybe you should consider friendships with others."


April came around, it was time for Nami to start her first day at UA High. She had spent a lot of time keeping up her training with Hitoshi, at the flower shop and focusing on her studies. She even talked to Shoto more.

Nami was one of the 300 hundred students that had gotten accepted into UA; she was now in the hallway trying to find class 1-A with Shotot.

"It should just be down the hall a more," Shoto said as he looked at the map.

"The doors here are so big," Nami noted as they passed by other rooms. "Ah, here we are." Shoto opened the door before Nami could stare at it anymore. There were only there was already quite a few in the classroom. Shoto went all the way to the back where there was only one seat while Nami took a seat third from the front.

"This is sort of exciting, don't you think?" a girl in front asked; the girl had dark purplish hair; had ear jacks hanging down.

"Nerve-wracking too," Nami added. "Nami Takeda."

"Kyoka Jiro," the girl greeted.

There was a loud thud, sitting next to Jiro was the boy from the exams.

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