**SEQUEL** Part 11

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*Still Harry’s POV*

“Stop it Niall,” Brittany wacked Niall’s hand with a large wooden spoon as he tried to steal another glob of cookie dough from the bowl. Niall pouted for a few seconds but got his snack when Brittany turned her back to turn on the oven.

I studied the two of them as I sat at my kitchen table, my bandaged wrist resting on the wooden surface. Brittany kept sending worried glances my way as if she expected me to grab a knife from the kitchen drawer and slice my throat open. I guess I couldn’t really blame her. I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile and went back to scrolling through my iPod.

“Niall!” I looked up again at Brittany’s screech. Niall had snatched the bowl off the counter and ran out of the room with it, licking the sticky dough from his fingers. “Give it back!”

She chased after him, screaming as their footsteps pounded down the hall. I got up and wandered over to the sink, getting myself a glass of water as I listened to Brittany’s bubbling laughter. They re-entered the kitchen just as I sat down back down. Britt was cradled in Niall’s arms, the half empty bowl of cookie dough resting on her stomach.

“Put me down,” she giggled madly, kicking her legs as she clutched the bowl to her.

“I don’t know if I want to do that,” Niall teased, pretending to drop her and causing a loud shriek to emit from her lips. I could feel a red hot surge of jealously running through my body at the sight of their flirting but I tried to push it out of my mind. It would just lead to bad things. I tightly gripped my wrist, reminding myself that cutting wasn’t the answer.

A few seconds later Brittany began feeding Niall globs of cookie dough, obviously no longer concerned with baking. I took a few deep breaths, surprised at how much it hurt to see her having fun with someone else. I knew she was with Riley and that she obviously liked him, but I hadn’t seen them together. It was hard seeing someone else put a smile on her face. That was my job.

“Put her down Niall,” I spoke softly. “Please.”

“Why?” Niall spun around to glance at me. “I promise I won’t drop her.” I noticed that Britt was no longer holding on to the bowl of cookie dough and her arms now firmly hooked around Niall’s neck.

Brittany met my eyes and her expression sobered up, “Put me down.”

“Why?” Niall obeyed her, but looked slightly hurt. “I thought you were having fun.”

She gave the tiniest indication of her head in my direction and I saw Niall’s eyes widen with recognition. They exchanged a knowing glance and I felt my heart twist in my chest. Is this how it was going to be from now on? Is everything I say and do going to seem like a threat to cut myself? Am I never going to be trusted again?

“What was that look for?” I knew my husky voice was like ice and I intended it to be. “Is that all you think of me now?”

“Haz,” Brittany joined me at the table, positioning herself on my lap so I was forced to look into her pretty eyes. “Don’t be like that. We care about you and we don’t want you to do anything else to hurt yourself. If that means we all have to be careful around you for a few days, then so be it.”

“Sorry,” I wrapped my arms around her and planted a kiss on her nose. “I promise I won’t hurt myself anymore, you don’t have to worry about me.”

She didn’t look convinced, “Are you sure?”

In all honesty I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t like seeing her worried. I didn’t want to lie to her though. “I don’t know. Will you stay here tonight?”

I saw hesitation flash in her eyes before she nodded, “Of course.”

“Good,” I would feel so much better if I could just hold her for the night. Having her around made everything seem brighter.

She climbed off my lap and picked up her cell phone from where it was sitting on the table. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was wondering what she was going to tell Riley.


“Yeah,” she glanced over, her fingers hovering over the keys of her Blackberry.

“Thank you,” I swallowed hard, “for not giving up on me completely.”


One more part after this! I will upload the very last part of this story on May, 9th. 

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