Chapter 30: I dont believe you

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“Brittany!” Amelie was sitting on the curb outside the restaurant when I walked up. She jumped up and gave me a hug. “How are you?”

“Good,” I pulled away from her and hitched my purse higher up on my shoulder. “How are you?”

“I’m great,” her smile seemed forced, as did her overly happy voice. “Starbucks is right down the road if you don’t mind walking.”

“Walking is fine,” I feel into step next to her, struggling to keep up with her long legs.

She tucked a strand of her short brown fringe behind her ear, “So did you do what I said?”

“Take a break with Harry? No.” I followed her into Starbucks. “I talked to him about it instead.”

“What did he say?” she asked before turning and ordering a mocha.

“Grande vanilla bean Frappuccino,” I smiled at the barista before heading over to a table in the corner of the room. Amelie and I sat in silence as we waited for our drinks. Once they were in our hands she finally spoke.

“I’ve been seeing Brad.”

“Really?” That surprised me. She could do so much better than Brad. “Is that why he hasn’t been around lately?”

She nodded and took a sip of her drink, “We really hit it off. He’s amazing.”

“He’s annoying,” I shrugged. “But to each their own.” I guess she hadn’t been trying to break me and Harry up then. I shouldn’t judge people so quickly.

“The thing I wanted to talk to you about is, well, Harry.” She kept her attention focused on her drink, as if she didn’t want to say what she was about to. “I’ve heard some,” she paused, looking for the right word,” rumors, that may or may not be true.”

“Rumors about Harry?” I pulled my straw out of my drink and sucked the whipped cream off the end. “What kind of rumors?”

“Bad ones,” she nervously flicked her hair out of her eyes. “I know I barely know him and you’ve been his best friend for years and you probably won’t believe me, but I thought someone should tell you.”

“Tell me what?” I was starting to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. “What is it?”

“You know that Brad and Riley are best friends right?” she was nimbly avoiding the subject and I could tell.

“No they aren’t,” I tapped my fingers on the table top impatiently. “Riley doesn’t have friends; he just has people he hates and people he can stand.’

Amelie laughed, “I only met him twice and I can tell that is so true.” Her expression sobered up again, “Well apparently Riley talks in his sleep. And because he and Brad share a room, Brad overheard him the other night.”

I waved my hand, indicating she should get to the point.

“Well Riley said a few things about you in his sleep and Brad got curious. So the next morning he confronted him.”

“What things?”

She waved me off, “That’s not important. What’s important is what Riley admitted to Brad.”

I could see that she regretted what she was about to say, “Brittany I don’t want to hurt you and don’t think I’m doing this out of spite, I’m telling you because I care about you and I don’t want to see you strung along any more than you have been.”

“Just tell me Amelie,” I tightened my grip on the plastic cup in my hand, liking the way the cold stung at my palm. I knew what I was about to hear wouldn’t be good.

“Harry’s,” Amelie took a deep breath. “Harry’s cheating on you.”

The cup broke and my drink went everywhere, the white liquid slopping down over my hand. I jumped up in shock, partly from Amelie’s confession and partly from the cold of my Frappuccino.

“I’m so sorry Brittany,” I could see the genuine pity in her eyes and hear it on her voice. I didn’t want her pity. She didn’t know what she was talking about. Harry wasn’t cheating on me. There was no one he could be cheating on me with if it wasn’t with Amelie. Riley was obviously trying to break us apart. Just when I thought the two of us could actually be friends, he had to go and spread lies.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped up the white mush. “I don’t believe you,” I stated calmly. “But thank you for your concern.” I stood, threw my garbage in the trash, and stalked out of the coffee shop.

“Brittany wait!” Amelie can running out after me, clutching her coffee in one hand and her cell phone in the other.

I stopped but didn’t turn around. “What now?”

She laid a gentle hand on my arm, “I’m so sorry babe.”

“Sorry for what?” I turned and blinked innocently. “Harry’s not cheating on me.”

“Brittany honey, I know this is hard to hear.” Amelie talked softly and slowly as if I was a young child. “But I’m not lying.”

I was in denial, but I didn’t realize it. I felt like my brain was separated from my body and I was seeing everything from a distance. Amelie’s voice sounded far away. She had to be lying.

“I’m with him all the time Amelie, I would know if he was cheating or not.”

“Brad says you spend a lot of time at Liam’s house and hanging out with him.”

“Well yeah.” She was right; I wasn’t around Harry as much as I wanted to believe I was.

“Do you know what he does when you’re out with Liam?”

“Band practice,” I began walking, trying to get away from her and her lies. She was obviously just jealous.

“Not all the time Brittany.” She ran to catch up with me, her flip flops slapping the pavement. “Remember that day you and Liam when shopping?”

“How do you know about me and Liam going shopping?” I turned on her. “Are you stalking me?”

“No Brittany! Harry thought he had the house to himself that day, but Riley was home.”


“And Riley cut you off as soon as you got inside didn’t he?”

“Yeah. So what? He needed to talk to Liam.”

“No he didn’t Brittany! He was trying to keep you from walking in on Harry and Susan!”

“Susan?” I laughed out loud, bending over with my hands on my knees as I cracked up. “You think Harry is cheating on me with Susan?” I wiped at my tears, “That’s hilarious. Susan is completely in love with Liam.”

“Maybe,” Amelie shrugged. “But she’s not getting any action from him.”

I sobered up at that, “How do you know that?”

“Riley overheard her telling Harry and then he told Brad. Brad told me so I could tell you.”

“I think you’re lying,” my voice shook. I was beginning to believe her, but I didn’t want her to know. “Susan wouldn’t do that to Liam and Harry wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Brittany I’m so sorry.”

“I have to go,” I said stiffly. Then I turned on my heel and took off at a run down the street. My boots pounding the pavement and my heart beating out of my chest. She had to be lying.

She just had to be.

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