Chapter 11: Fights

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“You guys were really amazing!” I said as we all piled back into the van.

“Oh I know it was really great wasn’t it?” Marcus asked, winking at me. “And I see you had a good time yourself, didn’t you?”

I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks. “Maybe…” I looked down at the floor trying to hide the red that stained my face.

“Ooh Britt, get it in!” Brad yelled, giving me a waggle of his eye brows and gyrating his hips.

“Brad! Considering the situation don’t you think that’s unnecessary?” Harry fumed through clenched teeth.

“I’m sorry Harry, what? I can’t hear you over Brittany’s sex vibes!” Brad stuck his fingers in his ears and danced around some more in his seat.

“Ew, Brad, that’s gross!” I had this weird thing about ear wax, and from what I’ve seen from sitting behind Brad in the van for forever, he had an excess amount.

Amelie smiled sweetly, “Have you really got a date? Was it that guy who asked you to dance, because he was cute!”

I grinned at the ground, he was quite attractive. And he’d asked me. That made it even better. I still couldn’t ignore the slight elation in my heart when he’d asked me if I was dating the singer. That feeling had crashed and burned when I’d seen Harry and Amelie on the dance floor later on in the evening. But right now all I could focus on was the warm bubbly feeling growing in the pit of my stomach when I thought about my movie date with Jon.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Amelie giggled, setting off a chain reaction in the car. Everyone was over come with fits of laughter, even Riley, who was having a hard time keeping the van moving in a straight line. Well, all except Harry, who was sat in the back next to Amelie with his arms folded over his chest, staring grumpily out the window.

“And what’s wrong with you, Mr. Grumpy pants?” I asked poking him in the side.

“Hmph.” He pulled his arms tighter and leaned his head back over the headrest,making his Adams apple bulge out of his neck.

“Okay then… But yeah. I do sort of kind of have a date tomorrow night.”

“I knew it! Brit’s getting some action!”

“BRAD!” Everyone yelled collectively. Stopping him from doing that ridiculous dance, mid-hip-swivel.

“What? It’s obviously true,” He said defensively.

“Guys, can we not?” Harry asked rudely.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. Harry was not going to rain my parade. Not this time. He sat quietly the entire ride back to the house while Amelie and I chatted quietly about tomorrow evening. She insisted that she should come over before hand and help me prepare. If there was one thing I’d learned about Amelie, it was that she knew how to get boys, and look flawless while doing so.

Riley dropped Harry, Brad, Marcus and I back at the house and left with Amelie to bring her home. “Marcus, do you know why Harry is in such a horrible mood? Is he just tired from the gig or…?”

“Actually, Brittany, he messed up the lyrics to one of the songs in our set and he’s pretty torn up about that,” He explained.

“Oh, I didn’t know. Oh my gosh, I didn’t even notice!” Part of me was crushed for Harry. I knew how much it frustrates him when things don’t go according to plan. But there was a small twang in my heart when Marcus told me he was torn up over the performance. I thought maybe, just maybe, he was torn up over my date with Jon. Leave it to me to get my hopes up and have them crushed by Harry. Again, and again, and again. 

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