**SEQUEL** Part 7

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I woke up alone the next morning to the ringing of my cell phone.

“Ugh.” It was too early to be up. I had barely any sleep last night. “It’s too early for talking Liam.” I muttered sleepily as I answered my phone.

“It’s also cold out, so please come down and let us in.”

“Huh?” I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stumbled over to my window. Pushing aside the sheer aqua curtains revealed Liam standing outside my front door, flanked by Niall and Zayn. “What are you guys doing here? I thought you weren’t coming over until the afternoon.”

I watched from the window as Liam shifted from foot to foot, “Just let us in.”

“No I need a shower first. Knock on the door and my mum will let you in. I’ll be down in a few.”

“Fine,” Liam hung up and I heard the resounding tap of a fist on the thick wooden door. I send a text to Riley before slipping into the shower. A few minutes later I was wrapping my wet hair into a bun as I trooped down the stairs. Riley hadn’t responded, so I assumed he was in class. He was over at Uni.

I heard Niall’s lively voice coming from the kitchen so I headed in there, wondering why on earth Liam was so early. And why had he brought Niall and Zayn? The three boys and my mum were gathered around the table, sipping mugs of tea and laughing at whatever story Niall was telling.

Liam was the first one to notice my presence. “Hey Britt,” he bounded over and wrapped me in a hug.

“Morning Liam,” I hugged him back, then was engulfed in Niall’s arms when Liam pulled away. “Hi Niall.”

“Hello love,” he beamed before Zayn came over to say good morning.

I joined the group at the table and accepted the cup of tea my mom offered. “What are you guys doing here?”

I saw Liam glance at my mum before turning back to me and giving me a forced smile. “The boys wanted to come and see you while we’re still in town.”

He couldn’t have made his lie any more obvious. I faked a smile back, “Why don’t we go on a walk and I can show you guys around the neighborhood?”

“Sounds great,” Liam jumped up and thanked my mum for the tea as I lead the way out of the room.

“I think I’ll just stay here and chat with your mum,” Niall called from the kitchen.

“No, come on Nialler.” Zayn grabbed Niall by the wrist and pulled him out of the kitchen. I grabbed my jacket before joining Liam out on the front steps.

“So where do you guys…”

I was cut off by Liam, who was short and to the point. With his hands shoved in the pockets of his dark jeans he delivered the news in a grim voice, “Harry’s been cutting his wrists.”

“Wh-what?” I sat down heavily on the front steps, my legs giving out as the news hit me. Liam had to be lying. Harry wasn’t the kind of person who would do that.

Niall sat down next to me and put a comforting arm around my shoulder as Liam paced in front of me and Zayn stood to the side with a concerned frown on his face.

“That’s why he wore the thing on his wrist when he auditioned,” Liam held up his right wrist and shook it. “And then he had a bunch of bracelets to cover up the other one.”

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the small snatch of Harry’s audition I had seen on the television. Liam was right; he had had something wrapped around his wrist. And while he always wore bracelets, there were definitely more than usual decorating his left arm that day.

“Why?” I looked up into Liam’s warm brown eyes, my own misty with tears. Why would Harry hurt himself like that?

Liam shrugged and provided the one word I didn’t want to hear. “You.”

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