Chapter 20: Oops

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Harry’s curls were spread out across the white of his pillow, a halo framing his angelic face. The tangled sheet under his back gave the impression of wings and I couldn’t help but smile. He looked so beautiful laying there, the sunlight beginning to crawl across the flushed sweetness of his cheek. His chest rose and fell in time to the lazy beat of the song being played somewhere deeper in the house. It was late afternoon, but we had only arrived home early that morning. I was sitting with my back against the headboard of the bed as I watched Harry sleep, my knees pulled up to my chest. I had on one of Harry’s tee-shirts and a pair of boy shorts with my hair piled in a tangled mess on top of my head. I wanted to go take a shower, but I couldn’t take my eyes of Harry’s precious sleeping form.

He mumbled in his sleep, rolling over onto his stomach.  One arm went under his head and the other was flung out across the bed, inches from my foot. That’s when I saw he had something written there. It looked like a phone number, written in loopy, girly script. I picked up his hand gently, turning it to see the rest of the message. It said ‘call me if you want more.’

I had two choices here, I could either confront this problem now or go take a shower and think about it. With Harry it was always better to just get things over with.

“Harry!” I shoved him, startling him out of his sleep. Funny how quickly it went from him being an angel to a devil.

“H-hey sweetheart,” he yawned widely, tightly squeezing his green eyes shut. “It’s nice to see you too.”

“Don’t give me that sweetheart shit Harry!” I picked up his hand and began waving violently in front of his face. “What the hell is this?”

“Ow! Brittany stop!” he whimpered, trying to pull his wrist out of my iron grip. “That hurts.”

I let him go and watched as he cradled his hand to his chest, glaring at me warily with his pretty green eyes. “What is your problem?”

“Look at your hand.”

Harry looked at it, “Yes and?”

“Whose phone number is that?”

“The lady who runs the club,” he replied without blinking an eye.

“What did she do to you?”

“Nothing,” he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow. “Is that why you woke me up?”

“Harry look at me!” He didn’t move. “Harry!” Still nothing. “Harry!” I slapped him on the butt as hard as I could.

“Was that supposed to bother me?” he mumbled. “Cause it didn’t.”

“Why did she give you her number?”

“In case we wanted more gigs Brittany. Why do you think she gave me her number?”

Oh. I sat back in surprise, feeling a little sheepish. I had jumped to conclusions way too quickly.

“Sorry Hazza,” I murmured in embarrassment.  

“It’s all right babe,” he reached out a hand and grabbed mine, still not looking up from the pillow. “I forgive you.”

Now I knew how he felt when he saw me with Liam yesterday. I felt bad for being rude to him about it because I had just done the same thing. We needed to learn to trust each other a bit more.

I could hear Harry’s deep breathing and I knew he had fallen back asleep. I slowly removed my fingers from his and gently got off the bed, trying not to disturb him. Grabbing my clothes I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door.

I needed advice but I wasn’t sure where to get it.

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