Chapter 16: Losing?

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I tapped my foot along to the beat, closing my eyes as Harry's perfect voice flooded over me. Now that Harry and I were an item the boys had started letting me come downstairs while they were practicing. I didn't usually take them up on their offer though, because Brad spent most of the time cracking jokes about me and Harry which caused Riley to flip out. Riley didn't like me their causing a distraction, but he didn't dare go against Harry. They hadn't been getting along very well since Harry had discovered that Riley was the one who had taken my virginity. It had been two weeks since Harry had broken up with Amelie and made what was going on between us official. We hadn't gotten very far in the bedroom, which I could see was frustrating Harry. But I wasn't ready for that yet. He seemed to think that just because I had done it once, I would be willing to do whatever he wanted. He wasn't used to girls telling him no.

"Can we take a break now?"

I opened my eyes at Harry's voice. He was standing with the microphone stand tipped forward, his large hand wrapped around the top. He was shirtless and his jeans were hanging dangerously low on his slim hips. I felt a slight tug in the back of my stomach as my eyes drunk him in. He was perfection.

"Why?" Riley looked annoyed. Riley was always annoyed.

"I just need one all right?"

"Fine," Riley rolled his eyes. "You have ten minutes."

"Good with me," Harry walked over to where I was sitting and grabbed my hand. "Come on Britt."

He pulled me out of the basement. The second the door shut behind us he pushed me up against the wall and began to kiss me, staring out gentle and getting more forceful as I slipped my hands into the back pocket of his tight jeans. His body crashed against mine and I could feel the sharp outline of his hips against my waist. His curls tickled my skin as he began to trail kisses down my neck, nibbling gently as he went. His hand slipped behind my thigh, guiding my leg up to his waist. My other leg followed and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as his strong hands supported my body from below. His lips had returned to mine and our tongues were battling for dominance.

Harry moaned into our kiss as he pressed me closer to his body. Every cell in my body felt like it was on fire and I tried to scramble closer to him, wrapping my legs as tightly as I could around his hips. I wanted him, but at the same time I didn't want to go there. I knew it would only end up with me getting hurt even more.

Harry's lips were wandering away, biting my ear and suckling on my neck. I could feel the harsh beat of his heart through the thin fabric of my shirt and I knew mine was beating just as quickly. Harry did things to me that I never imagined possible.

"God I want you so bad," Harry moaned throatily into the sensitive skin of my neck. I felt a shiver go through me and I pulled away, slipping my legs from around him and ducking out of his embrace. He turned to me, his eyes still misty with passion. "Where are you going Britt?"

"I'm not ready Harry."

"I know babe, I don't mean to rush you." He reached out and caught my waist, pulling me close so he could plant on last sweet, lingering kiss on my lips. "Whenever you feel it's right, I'll be here waiting for you."

I kissed him back, letting my fingers make a home in his damp curls. When our lips separated he gave me a hug, just holding me. His arms were the safest place in the world and I never wanted to leave that moment. Everything was so perfect when he wasn't pushing me to my limits, when it was just me and him, enjoying each other's company. Harry said he would wait for me, but I knew him better than he knew himself. If I didn't give in within the next week, I was bound to find him in bed with another girl.

What would I rather lose; my remaining morals?

Or him?

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