Chapter 12: Here we go

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For the first time on the trip I slept in a room on my own. Harry didn’t seem to have any intention of making up anytime soon so I kept my word and locked the door from the inside when I went to bed. I sat up for a while just hoping the hear the rattle of the doorknob meaning he was trying to get in. But it never came.

When morning came I crawled out of bed and instinctively reached for one of Harry’s oversized hoodies. I pulled my hand back to my chest quickly. If we weren’t friends anymore, I wasn’t allowed to wear his clothes. Sweatshirts are something a girlfriend should wear and he made it very clear to me that I was not his girlfriend. I opened the door and went down into the kitchen. I took a bowl down from the cupboard and grabbed the open cereal box that was sitting on the counter.

“It’s empty.” I looked to my right and saw Harry, still dressed in the clothes from the gig last night, sitting at the table and shoveling Honey Bunches of Oats into his mouth.

“Alright. Cool. Thanks,” I said coldly, not making eye contact.

“Look, I’m really sorry I yelled at you Love.” He got up and started walking towards me.

“No Harry. There comes a point when sorry just isn’t good enough anymore.” I wasn’t having this. He thought he could be an all mighty dick head and still get away with it.

“Britt, what did I do differently this time that you can’t forgive me for?”

“You are so stupid sometimes Styles!” I said, my voice raising an octave.

“What did I do?” He asked again looking confused.

I sighed, “You called me a slut for sleeping with Riley when you don’t even know the whole story. Did you really think I was ready for sex at fourteen? Is anyone really ready for sex at fourteen?”

Harry’s face turned hard, “You told me he didn’t do anything to hurt you.”

I looked down at my feet. “He didn’t, but someone else did.”

“Who.” He phrased it as a demand rather than a question.

“I don’t know who… I know this sounds really bad but I really don’t remember anything from that night at all. All I know is now I feel like I wasn’t good enough to be someone’s first time while I was sober. Something was taken from me last night that I can never get back and I didn’t give it away on my own decision.” I could feel my throat tightening as I said that part about not being good enough.

“Brittany, don’t you ever say you’re not good enough! You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re nice, you’re funny… You’re my best friend. I still don’t understand how it wasn’t your choice if Riley didn’t do anything to hurt you though.” He reached out to put his hands on my shoulders.

I backed up, causing him to retract my hands. “Someone drugged me, Harry.” Short and to the point.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly through his mouth, running a hand through his brown curls. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s not something I like to talk about.” I shrugged, like it meant nothing to me.

Harry stepped closer to me again. Once again I backed up out of his reach, but he kept pursuing me until he finally had me enveloped in his arms. My head rested on his chest as he held me tightly. I felt my body relaxing into him and drinking in his familiar scent. “I’m so sorry something like this had to happen to you. You out of all people don’t deserve it. Brittany, promise me that we’ll never fight like this again?” He asked me moving his hands up to my face, guiding me to make eye contact.

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