**SEQUEL** Part 4

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*Harry’s POV*

What was I supposed to tell her? That her boyfriend had spent the last year making my life a living hell? Didn’t he know I was suffering enough as it was? I didn’t need his bullying to make me feel like shit about what I did to Brittany.

“Well?” Brittany tapped her foot, something she always did when she was getting impatient. I didn’t want to answer because the sooner I did the sooner I would be on my way out of her life again. She had just let me back in, however brief and meaningless, but it was still more than I had before. I couldn’t live without her anymore.

My eyes drank her in yet she didn’t seem to notice the things she was doing to me. She looked absolutely flawless, even more beautiful than I remembered. She was wearing the same tee shirt she had on last night and a pair of short denim shorts. On her restless feet were a pair of spotless white low top Converse. From her outfit, it appeared that she had just run out of the house after I left. I wondered if she and Riley had gotten into an argument after my departure this morning. It would explain why she was hiding out in a McDonalds. She hated fast food.

“Harry!” she snapped, her blue eyes narrowing dangerously as she regarded me from underneath long lashes. “Stop ignoring me.”

“I’m not ignoring you.” My voice came out low and choppy and I felt my cheeks heating up. I couldn’t even speak like a normal person in her presence.

She rolled her gorgeous eyes, obviously not believing me as she pushed a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear. The simple motion made me bit my lip in desire. I wanted to be the one brushing the hair out of her sparkling eyes before leaning in to kiss her full lips. My eyes dropped to her mouth. Her pink lips were set in a tight line and I was overcome with the urge to kiss them into a smile.

“Stop it Harry,” I muttered to myself. I wasn’t allowed to think like that anymore.

“What did you say?” Brittany’s intoxicating voice washed over my ears and I was snapped out of the fantasy forming in my mind.

“Nothing,” I cleared my throat and shoved my hands deeper into the pockets of my jeans. It was obvious she wasn’t into me the way I was into her, yet last night she had admitted she was in love with me still. I wondered if she was just pretending that she didn’t want to find a home in my arms or if last night had just been a scam to get my hopes up and have them crushed once again.

I was embarrassed about how needy I had been last night, begging for her to forgive me, but it would be worth it if it worked. At the end of the night she had been the one clinging to me and snuggling up to me in her sleep, but now she seemed to be acting like that hadn’t happened at all. Or maybe she didn’t know about it.

“Last night,” I started, then stopped. I didn’t want her to accuse me of making things up in an attempt to break up her and Riley.

I had spent the first few hours awake, just cherishing the way she felt in my arms. I listened to her easy breathing and felt her heart beating for me. She slept with a smile on her face. When I fell asleep it was the best I had slept in a year. It felt so right having her wrapped in my arms, sharing a bed with her once again. My arms were where she belonged, not Riley’s.

“What about last night?” I could see she was getting defensive, her arms crossing protectively over her chest. I didn’t mean to upset her.

“Nothing, never mind.”

“What is it Harry?” She suddenly looked worried. I knew her well enough to know that she was now realizing she may have said some things in her sleep last night that she might regret now. It was all written in her deep blue eyes.

“You didn’t say anything in your sleep, calm down.” I suddenly remembered that she had begged me not to leave in her sleep but I decided to leave that part out. I didn’t want to upset her any more than I already had.

“God Harry, do you lie about everything?” she spat at me angrily. What had I done now? I was only trying to keep her happy. “My mum told me that I asked you not to leave. Why are you lying about it?”

Why was she acting like this? She was always so sweet, but today she was completely on edge. I guess that was my fault.

“I didn’t want to upset you,” I sighed. “I thought it would be better if you didn’t know about that.”

Her expression softened and I saw forgiveness in the back of her eyes. I also saw something else. It looked like a brief flash of longing danced across her face but I knew I must be making things up. She didn’t want me anymore.

“Harry…” her voice trailed off and she looked me straight in the eye. I felt my heart take off, racing in my chest as I anticipated what was about to happen. She hadn’t really looked at me like that since before we started dating. I suddenly realized what it was. It was the look of someone who wants something they can’t have.

“Yeah?” I could barely breathe, let alone talk. The whisper of my husky voice seemed to do something to her that none of my previous words had done. She took a tentative step forward, erasing the space between our bodies.

“I think about you,” she reached up and brushed a silky curl out of my eye. I felt my breath catch in my throat. Finally she was initiating the first contact. “All the time. I can’t get you off my mind.”

I reached up and tangled her fingers with mine, letting our entwined hands fall to our sides. She didn’t pull away.

The toes of her Converse touched the toes of my purple Supras, but they were the only parts of our bodies other than our hands that remained in contact. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and pull her close, but I was unsure of how she would react. I could smell the sweet scent of her favorite perfume mixed with the coconut scent of her soft hair. I breathed deeply, trying to commit the scent to memory. I didn’t want to forget anything about her. Even if this was the end, she would forever be the most important person in my life.

“Riley’s a good boyfriend,” she whispered, her eyes still deadlocked on mine, “but every day I wake up wishing he was you.”

The next thing I knew her lightly glossed lips were sending an electric shock up my spine as she kissed me. I kissed her back hungrily, marveling over the way her body melted into mine as I brought my arms up to pull her close. I held her tenderly as our lips moved in time together; even after a year we fit together as if we had never been apart. I hadn’t felt anything this breathtaking in my life. Her other kisses were never anything like this. I could feel everything on her lips, but the most prominent was the sharp sting of betrayal. I would do anything to take back what I had done to her, even if it had made her a more passionate kisser.

Her arms were like clamps around my neck and I could feel her gentle fingers climbing into the soft curls at the base of my neck. I shivered in delight as she raked her fingers through my hair. I missed these feelings.

Brittany deepened our kiss as I pulled her even closer. I could feel the rapid beating of her heart through the thin fabric of her tee shirt and the heat emitting from her body. She fit so perfectly into my arms. Every curve and contour of her body was meant to connect with mine.

We were made for each other.

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