"no I'm not"

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I was sitting there talking to a male coworker when Jax walked up to me.

"calling the kettle black arent you?" he asked

I looked at him before I excused myself and walked off with Jax.

"no I'm not" I say shaking my head

"you're the very one that gets jealous if I talk to some woman. yet here you are talking to a guy." he says

"no Jax what you do is openly flirt with women in my face. while I'm simply having a conversation with a fellow co-worker. its not the same" I say

"and half the women I talk to is colleagues," he says

"bullshit Jackson the only woman employed within the clubhouse is Gemma and she's the one running the garage. so dont try and feed me that horse shit just cause you are fucking jealous. alright I am not stupid." I say

"ok... yes I am jealous," he says

"I know I can tell," I say

"why was you talking to him like you've known him all your life?" he asked

"its nice to have a conversation with someone that actually cares about what I have to say and doesn't blow me off for some runaway that has "stalker" problems. or hookers that walk around the clubhouse practically nude." I say

"I listen to you," he says

"no, you dont. which hurts but I won't force you to talk to me. I have a friend that does listen. and not before the whole concept or acquisition of my narking comings up. I don't talk about the club. I talk about things that I like and enjoy doing. I talk about my day at work, I talk about my sons, and how I'm pregnant with a baby girl who I want to be just like me. I say nothing about the club. but I do tell him how much me and my kids love you so damn much. " I say

"you tell him our personal sex life business?" he asked,

"he doesn't know our personal sex life." I say

"you never come to me about this," he says

"My attempts at talking with you fail countlessly." I say

"so what you want to divorce me and marry him?" he asked

"Jax I never said that nor hinted towards it." I tell him

"but I ignore you," he says

"you know you do. and you are standing here getting jealous 'cause I have someone to. as if its against any rule for me to have a friend that is a guy and not part of the club." I say

"It should be" he says

I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'll make you a deal Jackson. you tell Tara to leave you the fuck alone and you start ignoring her quit talking to her and every fucking croweater in every single Sons' charter as well as the pornwhores. and I'll stop talking to the co-worker that you're having a fit over me talking to. " I say

"promise?" he asked

"yeah." I say

"deal." he says

"we'll see" I replied before I walked off 

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now