Wedding Day (Koz)

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We knew the weather was calling for rain. and both Koz and I were perfectly fine with it.

some of the guests had started complaining when we all got to the location and were halfway through the ceremony when the rain started.

so we all moved inside.

"you wanna finish in here?" Koz asked

"let them stand in here and we'll stand outside," I say

"Alright," he says

we got the officator to stand at the open french doors while Koz and I stood in rain.

we finished our ceremony and went back inside to have the reception.

"aren't you afraid to get sick or something?" one of the guests asked

"no. we didn't get fully wet just a few drops here and there"  I replied

"rain won't kill you unless you want to stay out too long and catch pneumonia" Koz says 

they nodded their heads.  

after the ceremony and everyone left Koz and I went dancing in the rain.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now