"No, and yes, I did indeed enjoy Your ice cream. no, I didnt replace it"

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one of the main cravings I've been having is chocolate therapy Ben and Jerry's. I went out and bought a pint of it. 

I put it in the deep freeze so when my cravings hit then I can just head into the kitchen and grab it and satisfy my little love bug's craving.

all day I was looking forward to indulging in the yummy ice cream. 

after I finished working and I handled all the other things I needed. I headed home and went right for the freezer and when I didn't see even searing the whole freezer I started pouting.

"Happy" I called out as I walked into the living room.

"Yeah baby?" he asked walking from where ever he was at and seen me pouting.

"aww. whats wrong baby?" he asked walking over to me.

"did you eat my Ben and Jerry's ice cream?" I asked

he looked at me and I knew the answer to my own question.

"no and yes, I did indeed enjoy your icecream. no I didn't replace it" he says

I stand there and start crying. 

he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around me as I start sobbing over ice cream.

"I'm sorry baby" he says

"I was looking forward to eating that after work." I cried

"want me to go and get you another one?" he asked

"I doubt they have any more" I say as I walked out of his arms and walked over to the couch and sat down rubbing my stomach.

"Sorry love bug daddy ate our ice cream and didn't replace it" I say to mine and Happy's baby

"I'll go find you another one" he says

"be careful," I say

I walk over and kiss my stomach before kissing my lips.

"I will," he says before walking out the door.

I get up and go wash my face and try to find something suiting to eat while waiting but love bug wanted Ben and Jerry's chocolate therapy so I waddled back to the couch and sat there flicking the tv mindlessly browsing the channels before stopping on some old cartoons. I sat the remote down and rested my hands on my belly watching the toons.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now