" I'm not Grumpy"

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I stood there playing around with Happy.

"you are to Grumpy. I mean half the time you even give the same Gump face as he does." I tell him

"I'm not grumpy. I'm Happy" he says

"your name is happy but your not what your name is" I say

he folded his arms and gave me his Grumpy look.

"see right there. grumpy not happy" I replied

"I cant be happy al the time especially while handling club matter," he says

"didn't ask you to be Happy when you are dealing with club ordeals. just when you're not dealing with Club matters you can be Happy and not Mr. Grumpy " I say 

He drops his arms and looks at me.

"I'm always happy with you" he says

"cause I wet your whistle" I joked

"no cause for the first time in all of my existence I've got someone that isn't blood-related that treats me as I should be and who makes me mad with so much love and shit I could seriously loose my marbles" he says

I walked up and started pinching his cheeks and making the fish lips by squeezing his cheeks towards each other. till he grabbed my hands and took hold of them both.

"no more of that now" he says

"okay grump grump" I say

"call me that one more time mami and I'll take you over this coffee table and fuck your pussy beyond sensitivity," he says

I gave him a winked grin.

"Grump ......grump" I say 

"that's it you asked for it" he says before proceeding to do what he warned me he'd do.

I was clawing his back and crying his name as he held true to his word.

" stay inside me papi" I say when he finished

"gotta get yeah cleaned up" he says

"later" I say before pulling him down onto of me and holding him right real close.

"I love you and there isnt anything wrong with you being how you are. I just like to ribb ya every so often just to so my love for you in a joking and playful manner" I tell him

"I know mami." he says

"I hummed in content as I laid there holding him against me.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now