1st night home (Koz)

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"this is a learning experience for the two of us since neither of us has had a baby before." Koz says

"I know" I tell him

"I wont pin it all on you. like I know you wont pin it all on me" he says

"right" I say

"we work with each other and this night will be a breeze," he says as we look at Kenny sleeping in his cot.

"we've got this baby," I tell him 

after Koz and I went to bed and got about three hours of sleep Kenny woke up and that's when the start of late-night feedings, diaper changing, and nightmares or being upset and needing comfort started.

not that Koz or I was complaining we were loving this experience and we didn't care if we hardly slept. 

Half the time neither of us wanted to lay Kenny back in his cot we'd rather keep him in our arms as he slept. 

other times when we'd go about keeping him in our arms and we started falling asleep we knew it is safer if he was in his cot so we'd not drop him and hurt him.

there were times during our first night with Kenny that Koz and I would just lay awake and just enjoy the fact our baby boy is home and that nothing is wrong with him or anything.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now