1st night home (chibs)

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this was gonna be a first for both Chibs and me despite the fact he has a daughter. 

but his chance to watch her grow up and mature into the young woman that she is was taken. so it's like he's starting over. but with our baby boy Draycen.

the night started off well Draycen was sleeping and so were we. when he woke ICHibs was the first one up and tending to him.

when we he went about to feed him Draycen wasn't hungry so Chibs walked the floor with him Draycen laid his head on Chibs's shoulder and started drifting back to sleep.

that had happened quite a few times. before Draycen got hungry. then it was my turn to tend to him and see if he'll breastfeed or not.

being able to experience this with Chibs was something I was happy to do cause I knew I had a very helpful partner that wasn't gonna abandon responsibilities.

thought the whole first night with Draycen. Chibs and I would take turns or we'd both get up and tent to Draycen. one would change the diaper the other would be there handing the baby powder and diaper to the other.

our first night with Draycen was a long one but it we knew it not be a walk in the park, we knew that there would be constant getting up and hardly sleeping and we are fine with it.

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