their reaction to finding out the gender( Jax)

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When Wendy was carrying Abel Jax didnt get to experience anything. but with my pregnancy he was fully hands on. 

now that the big day as he has called it has arrived he's ampt up along with Abel about what our baby will be.

"I believe mommy is carrying your sister" Jax tells Abel.

"yeah. she is" he says

"well lets go and find out shall we?" I asked

"yeah" Abel says

Jax carries him as we walked into the room.

"alright. we got the family here for the big new huh?" my doctor says

"yeah. my boys wanna know if we will be adding a girl or another boy" I replied

"well lets get down to it and see" she says

"alright what do you all think momma is carrying?" she asked the boys.

"girl" Abel says

she looks to Jax and he nods.

"me too" he says

"well you both are correct. momma is carrying your little sister" she says

Abel claps while Jax smiles proudly that he's got him a princess.

"congratulations," she says

"thank you" we replied 

the whole ride home Abel was talking about how he's gonna be his baby sister's best big brother ever. 

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن