Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well

Start from the beginning

"I'll kill you Mingi"

"You couldn't and you won't. Now, I have a proposition for you"

He smiled, pulling his phone from his pocked as he placed it in front of me.

I looked from the phone back to him, confused but still keeping my guard up.

"You get one free phone call, but that's to Chan and Chan only. Tell him to come and rescue you. On the condition he brings San back too"

Again I remained confused, but I knew this obviously had a catch to it. He wanted to ambush him just as we did to his guys back at the dock.

"Come on Liss, I know you wanna talk to him. Plus I could take San away and you'd never have to see him again. No more heartache from all those bad memories"

"And you'll just let me go? Chan also?" I asked as he started to shake his head. There was the catch.

"You can go, I have no interest in handing you over to Ricardo anyways, he always has been and still is a complete dick. But Chan's gotta get what's coming to him, so he comes alone, just him and San, none of the others. You make sure to tell him that too" He said sternly, once again looking at the phone waiting for me to make my decision.

Now I knew Chan, and I knew there was no way he'd listen and do anything Mingi wants. I knew even if I told him only come with San he would figure out a plan to have the others close by, ready to pull another stray kids stunt.

"Sure, I'll call him, but don't be surprised when he blows your head off" I smirked, looking to the men to release my arms. Mingi signalled for them to let go so I grabbed hold of the phone.

Luckily I had memorised Chan's number in case of emergencies.

I typed in the number and anxiously awaited for him to pick up.

Chan's P.O.V

I paced backwards and forwards around the room, I was losing it.

Mingi had Alicia, if he handed her over to Ricardo then that would be it, she'd be dead and this would all be over.

I'd already demanded an address from San, knowing him and Mingi were close and he gave us one possible location.

We planned to head out there ASAP, scope out the location then get revenge on everyone involved in her disappearance.

"Chan, calm down, we'll get her back" Changbin said calmly as I sighed.

"We better, I swear if he's even touched her I'll kill him"

"Not if i beat you to it Channie, we'll make them pay for going near her" Jisung added as I nodded.

I was trying to remain calm, but inside I was freaking out. I just wanted to know she was safe.

Suddenly my phone rang, interrupting me from my thought as I didn't recognise the number.

Everyone paused talking and looked up at me as I answered the phone immediately putting it on speaker.

"Who is this?" I asked, anticipating and answer.

"Chan? Please tell me that's you"

I let out a sigh of relief as I heard her voice, she was alive, at least for now.

"Liss, are you OK?"

"Chan don't worry I'm fine, look, I'm here chained to the floor and stuck with the absolute worst company"


"Mhmm, anyways he has agreed to let me go free If you bring San here, he's obviously just lonely without his best friend"

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now