Chapter 47 - Rescue

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Physician Liao finished speaking and hurriedly left as if he was trying to escape. He was afraid that if he didn't leave now, he might not be able to leave at all. If the young master died, it would be blamed on him for failing to cure him.

"Hey! Physician Liao, Physician Liao!" Unexpectedly, Mr. He, who was in charge of the household, did not expect the highly paid physician hired by the young master's family to be so unreliable. He had fled without even treating the young master!

However, he also understood why Physician Liao had left. The young master's condition was too critical; even a layman could tell that he was beyond saving.

No wonder Madam Hou had not celebrated her birthday in years and had crawled up the mountain on her knees every day, knocking her head on every step, praying to Buddha to protect her youngest son. Indeed, it was beyond human capabilities to save him.

Mr. He followed them out.

The little apprentice also quickly followed his master and disappeared without even catching the corner of his clothes.

When the three of them hurriedly came out, Second Master Gu, who had an ominous feeling, suddenly stopped Gu Jiao from going inside. "Oh, I just remembered that there's something I need to do at the Spring Back Hall."

Gu Jiao replied, "Oh, then go and take care of it."

Second Master Gu insisted, "You come with me."

Second Master Gu had wanted Gu Jiao to treat the young master, but his doubts grew after seeing the look on Mr. He's face and the hasty departure of Physician Liao and his apprentice.

Mr. He's younger brother was behind him, and he knew how capable his brother was. He must have hired a local physician, and the fact that the physician had left as soon as he came in only indicated that the young master was beyond saving.

There may be countless medical treatments to heal someone, but there's only one way to determine death.

He couldn't let Gu Jiao be taken advantage of.

If Gu Jiao went in now, the young master might die in front of her, and she would have no chance of leaving alive.

"Gu Jiao, of course, could not fail to understand his meaning.

She was a doctor in her previous life, but that was only a cover for her identity. Essentially, she was not a good person and she would not gamble with her own life.

"Okay, let's go," Gu Jiao nodded.

Just as Gu Jiao turned around, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest.

"Young Master--" a maid's scream came from the inner room.

The young master was convulsing on the bed.

Gu Jiao suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She was certain that she was not sick, so this kind of uneasy feeling was inexplicable.

"Am I really so conscientious as a doctor that I'm distressed to the point of heartache when I leave a patient unattended?"

If he was in pain, she was in pain too.

It was really strange.

In the end, Gu Jiao still went in.

There were old physicians in the mansion, who's preparing medicine for the young master and were not in the young master's room. The servants hurried to fetch them.

In the chaos, no one noticed whether Gu Jiao had entered the room or not.

When Gu Jiao arrived at the bedside, the young master had already stopped breathing.

The Pampered Concubine Gu Jiao NiangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz