Chapter 35: Meeting

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Chapter 35: Meeting

Gu Jiao carried a basket and went to the other side of the mountain.

The temple was halfway up the mountain and difficult to climb. There was even a section of the road without steps, covered in snow. Fortunately, Gu Jiao had been climbing mountains and exercising regularly since she arrived, and she wasn't deterred by the dangerous mountain path.

Her pace was faster than most people, but she still walked for an hour before reaching the temple, almost noon by the time she arrived.

The temple was not very large, with ancient and weathered plaque with the words "Ning An Temple" written on it. Perhaps due to the lack of people on snowy days, Gu Jiao didn't meet any pilgrims along the way.

There weren't many monks in the temple either. Gu Jiao had been inside for a while and hadn't seen anyone yet.

"Could this temple be empty?"

But the ground was neatly cleaned as if someone tended to it every day.

As she was thinking, Gu Jiao arrived at the Guanyin Hall. Standing behind a pillar, she happened to glance inside the hall and finally saw the first living person today.

It was a lady dressed in luxurious silk, but not ostentatious. A white cape was draped over her body, shining like snow.

From Gu Jiao's angle, she could only see the lady's back, but she could feel the gentle and elegant aura emanating from her.

The lady piously kowtowed a few times and clasped her hands together, "Pray for the Bodhisattva to bless my son with safety and success..."

Her voice was even gentle and pleasant.

Gu Jiao rarely paid attention to strangers, especially a woman. She didn't like women, what was there to like?

But as she was lost in thought, a voice suddenly shouted next to her, "Where did this little brat come from? How dare you peek at my Master?!"

Gu Jiao regained her senses and looked in the direction of the charming shout, where she saw a maid wearing a bean-green bi-armor walking towards her. The maid was not scolding her, but rather some little monks who were hiding behind another pillar and had been caught.

The little monks, seeing the beauty being exposed, screamed and ran away in panic.

So there were monks, but they were such young ones!

One of the little ones ran in the wrong direction and bumped into Gu Jiao's leg with a "smack" before falling to the ground.

Gu Jiao was so touched by the little bundle's cuteness that she suddenly wanted to pinch his cheeks. But before she could do so, the little one got up and ran away with a "chirp chirp chirp".

The lady who worships Buddha in the hall walked out and said to the maid in the green bi-armor, "Liu'er, don't be rude."

"Madam," the maid named Liu'er muttered as she walked forward, "These little ones need to be taught a lesson, or they'll be making trouble in your meditation room later."

"They're just children," the lady said.

Liu'er pouted, clearly not agreeing, but did not continue to argue with the lady.

Just as Gu Jiao thought the two were about to leave, the lady suddenly looked over in her direction.

Gu Jiao's figure was completely hidden behind the pillar, even the approaching maid had not noticed her, so she did not know how the lady had sensed her presence.

"Who are you?" The maid became instantly alert.

Gu Jiao had no choice but to step out.

She was wearing a shabby pale purple floral short coat, brown cotton pants, and a pair of black cloth shoes that had long been soaked in snow. She also had a worn-out small backpack on her back, but her hair was not styled like a lady's, so she picked it up and tied it into a bun on top of her head.

She looked like a poor country girl, and she even had a red birthmark around her eye.

The maidservant's face instantly showed a trace of disdain.

But the lady didn't show any hint of disgust.

The snow stopped, and the temple's roof tiles were covered with auspicious snow. The beautiful scenery of the mountains was wrapped in silver and white. The world was covered in a white and pure ice color, but all of this was not as beautiful as her.

Gu Jiao also saw the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

But the most beautiful thing about her was her temperament - gentle and graceful, serene and dignified.

"Are you here to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva too?" the lady asked Gu Jiao with a gentle smile.

Such a gentle voice and such a gentle smile...

Gu Jiao was stunned for a moment and replied, "No, I'm here to find the abbot."

The lady smiled warmly and said, "The abbot has gone down the mountain..."

Before she could finish her sentence, another maid hurriedly walked over with a food box. There was still some ice on the ground, and she slipped and fell forward with a scream. She not only fell, but also the food box flew out of her hand and was about to hit the lady. Gu Jiao took a step forward and blocked the lady with her arm.

The food box scattered in mid-air, and the soup and vegetables spilled all over Gu Jiao, making her clothes wet and uncomfortable.

The lady was shocked and asked, "Are you okay, miss?"

"I'm fine," Gu Jiao replied.

The weather was too cold, and the food wasn't hot anymore. The soup just stuck to her body and made her feel uncomfortable.

The lady looked at her disheveled appearance and felt guilty. She looked at the maid who had fallen on the ground and sighed, "Can't you walk properly?"

The maid was also badly hurt, her knees were swollen, and she tried to stand up despite the pain. She said in a pitiful tone, "The road was too slippery..."

The lady also understood that it was not intentional, but she still felt sorry for Gu Jiao. She said to her, "It's my fault for not educating them properly and dirtying your clothes. Please come with me to the meditation room and change into some clean clothes."

After a moment's thought, Gu Jiao didn't refuse.

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