We eventually went out the door after all that. I was about to open the car but Kay opened it for me so romantic
"I got you princess" she winked at me going to the other side and I was already flushed from a wink.I'm really weak.
"Thank you...and you look hot and handsome tonight" I said rubbing her thigh.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you" she said facing the road."Do what?" I looked down and she already had a boner from the rubbing of her thigh she really is a pervert "Ow..my bad..didn't mean to that" I said shly removing my hand.
"You don't know how my body gets whenever I'm around you I just become all sensitive but its not a bad thing" she smirked. "And thank you for the compliment princess" she smiled kissing my hand.
"Has anyone ever told you that your a pervert" I said looking at her.
"I am a person who appreciates compliments and if that is one I love it" she smiled looking back at me.
"Whatever" I waved her off facing the window.

The drive was very quiet so I connected with my phone just to break the silence.
"Ow..so your a cardi b fan?" She said raising a brow.
"I mean every girl is one and I see nothing wrong with someone listening to her" I said jamming to the beat.
"Alright!..okay!..I see you got some moves"she said laughing .
"Well I can be sometimes the opposite of what y'all see at school you know" I said wiggling my brows.
"Well I' d love to see that side of yours one day" she said smirkingly.

Before I knew it we were at the party and it was packed as hell!
"I think I wanna go home" I said with a shaky voice.
"What!Neo come on we drove all this way for you to say that?listen I got you all the way okay just relax and be yourself okay" she held my hand kissing it which kinda helped me calm down abit.
"Alright but don't leave me alone or disappear for far too long though"
"I promise I won't now lets go and rock this party!" She said trying to cheer me up.
We got out and cameras flashing infront of us like some paparazzi. Klara really did go all out for this, you'd swear we are some celebs on a red carpet or something.We were about to enter but there were two guys guarding the door.
"Sorry but no mask no entry"the guy on the left said.
"Dude what do you mean?" Kay asked looking as confused as I am.
"Well this is a mask party you gotta wear masks before entering" said the guy on the right.
"But we were never told that this is mask party" I said with disbelief.
"Can you call Klara and tell her that Kay is here?" She said sounding pissed.
"Sorry but she's still preparing herself for the party"
" So is there anywhere we can get them nearby?" I asked looking at them both.
" well we do have extras for those who don't have them but that will be R50"
"What! Neo your paying them they just trying to makes extra cash with us"
"Kay its fine lets just get this over and done with"
So we paid them for the masks and finally got in all this trouble for a mask wow...
"Kay these masks look identical I mean how are we gonna find each other?" I asked looking at everyone who has their masks on like its really hard to tell who is who.
"We can text each other and meet at a spot should that happen and your dress is different from all the other designs so I'll notice you" she smiled.
"Alright then" I smiled back.
"I gotta admit Klara really did go all out for this it looks so cool and classy at the same time I love it" I said looking at Kay but she was already glued to her phone.
"Uhm..hello? Kay?" I waved my hand to get her attention.
"Ow...sorry I was texting Ken she said she'll be here soon so she wants us to meet"
"Arggg!Kay what did I say about " Don't leave me alone part?" I humphed.
"Hey..hey...look at me its only gonna be for a few seconds okay unless you wanna tag along" she grinned.
"No thanks I'll just be at the bar" I said looking away.
"Princess don't worry too much okay I will text you so that we find each other again okay" she said holding my hands to reassure me.
"Okay..fine"I said releasing my hands from her grip.
(Beep beep) "That better be Ken lemme go and check her okay I'll be back" she said kissing me on the cheek and disappearing in to the crowd.
Great so I went to punch table to pour myself some I then noticed that someone was actually wearing the same dress as mine across the room she also had her hair in bun that person was also coming towards me.
"Well hello there..so glad you made it" she said grabbing a glass to pour some punch for herself I think.
"Uhm..hello....do I know you?" I asked doubting my sentence because of confusion.
"Ow..silly me" she giggled taking off her mask and that person was actually Klara.
"Klara!" I whispered yelled.
"Don't let them hear you this is mask party meaning your not allowed to reveal your identity until midnight those are the rules" she smiled.
"Sorry,I'm just shocked I mean we have the same dresses on and hairstyle people could actually mistaken us for each other especially with the dark colour in the room its hard to tell from afar" I said smiling.
"What!I didn't even notice we had the same dresses on! But what can we say great minds think alike and I'm sorry for wearing the same dress as you only if I knew I was not gonna wear it, now I ruined your special night" she said frowning .
"No its okay I mean if we both got the same dresses as each other I guess the dress really is a great choice" I said smiling at her.
"I guess your right...so what do you think?" She said looking around.
"I actually love everything about this party the decor,music ,theme and most especially you and the dress of cause" I said with a chuckle.
"Well I'm glad you liked it because there's more from where that came from just wait and see" she said Patting my shoulder.
"Can't wait!" I said with excitement.
"Lemme go now..ow before i forget where's your date? I thought you came with someone?" She said turning back. Shit!
"I..uhm....She actually went to her friend a while ago so I'm just waiting for her to come back" I said trying to act normal." Ow so its a she?...well please introduce me later to her later" she said turning her back on me.
"Of cause" I said faking a smile.
Oh my god! she's gonna kill me is she finds out I'm with Kay! lemme call her

Arggg! Her phone is ringing but she's not answering. This is what I didn't want Arggg!I shouldn't have came. I went in through the crowd trying to find her I don't know how but I gotta try. People were already wasted bumping in to each other.As I was going through the crowd trying to find Kay some idiot decided to just spill red wine on my dress.
"What the hell!" I yelled at the person.
"Oh no! My godness! I'm so sorry lemme help you wit..."I cut the person off before they could speak.
"Just.leave. it! I'll be fine" I said through greeted teeth. I wondered around looking for the kitchen then I finally found it after 15 minutes of looking. I searched through the rugs and found some vinegar I poured it on the stain and it went out quickly.

Its a trick I saw on YouTube didn't think it worked until now. I took out some wipes and wiped the spot,but on my way out the person who actually drenched me with wine followed me.
"What do you want idiot?!" I said stumping my left feet down with my hands in fists.
"Look..I'm sorry okay.. someone pushed me and I accidentally bumped in to you. So I followed you here because I wanted to make sure your okay that's all...and that was pretty cool..
"What is cool".I said folding my arms.
"I mean... what you did there with the vinegar.." they chuckled.
"Well its just a hack I saw on YouTube nothing special" I said going out but the person grabbed my hand.
"Can I atleast make it up to you?" They said.
"No thanks ,I'm okay!" I said trying to let go.
"Okay...but can I atleast have one drink with you then?

"Sorry my date must be wondering where I am so I have to herd back"
"I bet if your date is looking for you they prolly notice you at the bar since its an open space" They smiled.
"Whatever...I was on my way there before you decided to spill wine on me" I said looking sternly at them.
"Anyway its all in the past let's just go grab that drink"


Hey y'all here's another update its a bit short but I hope you enjoyed it.

What do you think about Klara mysteriously having the same dress and hairstyle as Neo? Is it a coincidence or she's got something up her sleeve?

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