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{Fox: I have so many partially written chapters because my brain is like 'This is a good concept.' 'Oo, this is also a good concept.' 'This one not so much but you need to write it down either way or I'll forget.' I also have the requests that will be spread out here and there.



"-" = Speaking

"-" = Signing/Sign language

'-' = Thinking

"-" = Telepathy

Here you all go.

That's all!}
Dekuverse: HeroTuber

"Not to offend you Izu, I'm going to say it straight out. I'm going to be talking to everyone like you aren't here for a bit. So I apologize before hand. This one will mostly be a video that Izuku has made as a HeroTuber instead of going through with his dream of being a Hero. You all watch his channel which is named Nezuku Info. He told his followers and fan base to call him Nezuku. His fans do compare him to Nezu because of how smart and intellectual he is. When the police need help they ask him and he gets paid for his input and for being a successful HeroTuber. He also is a counselor for villains who have watched his videos and seek his help." I say before turning my attention to the LOV.

"You all are still trying to figure out if his words are genuine or not. Imma add one more thing. In this universe Izu, you have a quirk. It is called Immortal Reborn. You were originally born during the Pre Quirk era. You remember every time you are reborn. You are about as old if not a little bit older than All For One. Your quirk makes it seem that you are quirkless. If you get hurt you can control how fast you heal. You also grow up with Bakugo in this life and your mom is your mom so everything is the same. You just have memories of your past lives and such. If you die you are immediately reborn, different looking but also similar to yourself just with different names and such. Nezu however knows every you there was because you were the one to tell him. He is also the only one who knows this. Everyone else thinks that you either have a mental analysis quirk or is quirkless."

"Words of Society."

"If you have a quirk and it's a flashy one; you are among the most worthy of being a Hero."

"Mutant Quirk?"

"You can be a Hero but you'll most likely end up as a side kick unless you go to a Hero Agency that doesn't have many Heroes under their belt."

"Non-flashy, Mental, or weak Quirks?"

"You have some potential but will most likely fail."

"Villainous Quirk?"

"Why even ask? Your quirk is villainous. No one with a villainous quirk can be a hero. They can only be a villain."


"You are quirkless? Are you even human? Are you joking? You want to be a Hero? That's laughable. You'll just end up getting killed. You're useless, worthless, nothing but a waste of space, not worth anyone's time, shouldn't have even been born."

"Everything that is said about everyone of these is WRONG. Anyone, no matter who they are and whatever their quirk may be or are quirkless can be a hero or villain."

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