Wolf Quirk

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"-" = Speaking

"-" = Signing/Sign language

'-' = Thinking

"-" = Telepathy

Here you all go.

That's all!}
Dimension Name: Wolf Quirk

"Before we get into this one. I want you all to hold your questions and comments till the end." I say making the all nod.

"I'm assuming I have a wolf quirk." Izuku says.

"You'll see."

You can never be a hero quirkless.

Quirkless? What can you do as a hero if you don't have a quirk?


You can't be a hero with a villains quirk.

These are a few of the many things that Shinso and I both hear on a daily basis.

I met Hitoshi Shinso when we were younger. I stuck up for him when a group of kids was bullying him. I made them turn their attention to me.


"Hahaha look at the villian. Hey look at him about to cry." I hear some kids say.

"Such a baby. It was just one little hit." One kid taunts.

I walk to the area I hear them at. When I get there I see a group of kids surrounding a purple haired boy who is on the ground with a cut on his face as a couple of tears fall down his face.

I clench a fist in anger.

'He doesn't deserve that. At least he has a quirk.'

"Hey! Leave him alone." I yell as I run towards the group and places myself in front of the purplette.

"Be careful with him he has a villain quirk." One of the kids say.

"So what if he does? Has he used it on any of you? No. So why pick on him? He's not bothering anyone of you." I say looking at the group.

"He's bothering us just by existing." Someone says.

"You do realize that anyone can be a hero and anyone can be a villain. There is no hero quirk and no villain quirk. If he wanted to be All Might could have ended up being a villain instead he chose to be a hero." I explain.

"That is so stupid who would want to be a villain?" Another kids says.

"NO ONE CHOSES TO BE A VILLAIN." I yell shocking the group.

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