Don't worry

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!TW! racism/ homophobia
I haven't written in a while.. sry I was kinda busy with school Also english isn't my first language so sry for the mistakes
Ava and Beatrice were just taking a walk and going to the grocery store when a man came up to them.

- Could you get back please, you don't have a mask, said the halo bearer.

- She should be the one wearing a mask you f*ck*ng gays. She brought COVID to this country, I was born here, says the stranger.

- Excuse me? starts Ava, okay first of all-

- Babe.. Beatrice lets out with tears in her eyes, Don't encourage him let's just go.

The couple leaves and when they get home Beatrice falls on the floor and starts crying her heart out witch makes Ava's hurt. She apologizes so many times the words I'm sorry don't even make sense anymore.

No matter how many times her girlfriend tells her it's not her fault the warrior nun can't help but feel guilty for making everything worse.

The next day

- Hey I'm going to the store do you need something? asks Beatrice

- You sure you don't want me to come?

- I'm fine don't worry.

A little after, the "ex-nun" as Camilla likes to call her, came back with the groceries and blood on her forehead.

The second Ava saw the wound, she ran up to the love of her life to check if she was okay

- I'm never letting you out alone again. Said the girl with worry and anger in her tone.

- I'm fine really it's nothing..

- You tell that to a doctor I'm taking you to the ER, you might have a concussion.

- No! Please, it'll be even worse.

As the older one began to cry her partner couldn't help but take her into her arms to give her a heartwarming hug.

It didn't take much for Ava to be angry, but someone disrespecting Beatrice!? That, that took it out of her. She didn't care about the repercussions of her actions, all she wanted was to beat up the person that hurt her girlfriend.

Avatrice one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang