The fence

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Some months after Ava comes back and also WARRIOR NUN IS SAVED!!!
A Wednesday afternoon, Ava is going to the store to get some more milk (because she keeps on drinking it all in the middle of the night) and she's daydreaming about Beatrice.

Being completely in the clouds she forgets to look in front of her and hits the fence accidentally phasing through it. Beatrice, who was watching her every move from behind, jumps off the balcony and runs towards the halo bearer;

- Ava what were you thinking?! she whispers, get inside now.

- Okay okay, I'm sorry, the other girl answers.

- Sorry doesn't change the fact that we have to move again darling.

- Bea are you mad? I really didn't mean to phase you know that right ?

- I know that, I'm sorry I'm just really scared for you all the time and when you do things like it just strengthens my worries and makes me want to  never let you go out of my sight ever again Beatrice lets out in one breath

- I'm perfectly capable of defending myself on my own

- I know I know but I love you so much and if anything happened to you I don't know what I'd do.

- I love you too Bea and if anything ever happened to me my only priority would be to make it home to you okay? Now come on we have to pack

- okay says the warrior in a shaky breath

They both pack their bags and go to the restaurant to give the owner the information that they're leaving.

Some hours after they're already in a new city ready to start again without anyone knowing about the giant ring inside of Ava's back.

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