Extra Chapter

Depuis le début

Nobody heard what Sky was going to say next because Rain clamped a hand over his mouth.

Later that day

Prapai giggled uncharacteristically for the hundredth time as he pulled Sky by the arm.

Sky scrambled after him, unable to hide a smile of his own. He grinned and let Pai drag him away from the car.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Sky asked, though he knew the answer.

"Yes, yes, bae, I made sure that the security cameras were turned off and I'm super certain that the only one who has the key is my dad, and he's all the way in Korea." Prapai reassured Sky, stalling when he got to a large, tall, fence that stretched for what seemed like miles.

The only thing that might have identified that that part of the fence was actually a door was a small tablet-like looking thing that Prapai pressed his hand to. It blinked green and a part of the wall moved to the side.

"I gotta install the same thing for you, dontcha think?" Pai asked, offhand, as if forgetting that Sky had never seen that type of technology up close.

Sky hummed in response, though he tightened his grip on Prapai's hand as they stepped forth.

Prapai had had an idea, wanting to race Sky on his bike while the other flew.

He had brought Sky to his private track, but made sure that everything was secure and that nobody could see them. Even so, Sky was a bit worried.

As they entered the race track, Prapai hugged Sky sideways and the wall slid behind them again.

"So, ready?" He asked as they walked to the garage that stored Pai's motorcycles.

He opened the door, and rolled out Sofia toward them. It (she?) was one of the largest and most aggressive looking bikes Pai owned, but was actually very comfortable and fast.

Sky had rode on the cycle with Prapai a few times already, but this was not the plan today.

Sky didn't know whether he was ready or not. You would've thought that after two months of dating Sky would already be used to showing his wings to Prapai, but that's wrong. He had spent long years hiding his wings from people, and even though he knew Pai loved him as he was, he still had trouble feeling truly comfortable.

Prapai had come up with this idea about a week before this, and Sky didn't refuse to trying. The thing they were about to do wasn't a large 'event' but it was still important and fun, even though a bit scary on Sky's side.

Pai had made him wear a specially made hoody with wholes at the shoulder blades, but made sure the fabricators never asked why.

"Ready?" Pai asked again gently, getting on his motorcycle with one leg and a smile.

"Yea." Sky finally answered, returning the smile, though not as enthusiastically.

Pai looked at him carefully, but seemed to decide something as his grin widened and he started Sonya's engine.

Sky had stopped bullying Pai long ago for naming his bikes, but that didn't mean he didn't still find it hilarious.

Sky whispered "appear" and a pair of giant blue-purple wings appeared suddenly on his back.

Pai used to stare open mouthed whenever this happened, still unbelieving after so much time together, but now his stare only lasted a few seconds, before he shook his head and smiled apologetically.

Sofia's engine was quite silent, so Prapai didn't need to shout when he said:

"Come here bae."

Sky followed the request and moved closer to the cycle. It was standing on the starting line, and so he proceeded to stand there as well.

Prapai put a bright red helmet over his head and closed the visor.

They both knew what was going to happen next.

Prapai raised his hand and held up three fingers.

He lowered one, holding up two.

Then he lowered the next and closed his hand in a fist.

In a flash, his hand was back to the steering wheel of there motorcycle and it was off, roaring it's pleasure to be finally set into motion.

Sky didn't wait long. Prapai had the head start, but no way was he loosing this race.

He opened his giant wings to their full length and jumped into the air, pushing off the ground with his feet as the wind caught him.

Propelling himself forwards after the bike, Sky smiled. Genuinely smiled this time. It was so good to be back in the air, with the woosh and swoosh of wind in his ears, and the currents leading him forwards. He wasn't afraid that someone other than Pai would see him now. He knew that was impossible and he should simply be in the moment.

He also smiled because he knew he would win.

Prapai and his motorcycle where about fifty meters ahead (164 ft.) but Sky knew he could cross that distance in record time. Thinking he shouldn't be mean, and let Pai think he was going to win, Sky smirked and carefully floated after the cycle, sure to show Prapai that he was behind him.

Sky beat his wings a few times and turned around in the air, flying upside down.

From below, Pai raised his head at him and Sky stuck out his tongue.

Blushing furiously, Sky turned back around.

Flying, apart from studying, was something he was really great at, and enjoyed a lot. He loved the adrenaline rush and the tug that the wind made on his feathers. Sky loved the wind.

He gazed down and realized what he was thinking.

He caught himself and coughed, though he smiled a little wider.

Seeing that they were reaching the end of the track and Pai was still in front, the smile turned into a smirk for the second time.

Prapai was forty, thirty, twenty meters away from the finish line.

When Prapai reached fifteen, Sky swooped down and opened his wings even more than before.

Prapai, momentarily distracted, looked Sky's way and in that few seconds allowed the other to cross the finish line first.


"Unfair!" He whined like a five year old when he jumped off his bike and ran up to Sky.

"What's unfair?" Sky asked "I think I won without cheating, didn't I? Also, you could've focused on winning and not looked my way."

"But Skyyyyyy!" Prapai whined again. "You are too beautiful not to look at!"

Sky blushed magenta again and turned his head away.


Technically, I'm done with this book, but this was just a little idea I had and decided to add to the story.

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