Chapter 9: The Nemesis of Magic

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Kaiba and Joey had a few duels since their new friendship began. Tea still didn't want to meet Yugi and Atem and remained "ill." Yugi and Atem were still unsure of what to do next to fight Mirac and get the Egyptian Gods back. Serenity was worried for her friends and her brother after learning the truth of what has happened recently.

She was also worried about Tea and what could be the matter with her. She had been in Domino City for a few days and there was no sign that Tea was even there at all. Today, Serenity decided that whilst Joey was out in the City, she would go out and go to Tea's house and see if she was alright and reunite with her friend. So dropping her magazine, she left Joey's flat, walked through the streets and found her way to Tea's house.

Serenity knocked on Tea's front door and her mother answered.

"Is Tea feeling better?" asked Serenity.

"She isn't ill." said Mrs Gardner. She looked puzzled.

"I'm Joey's sister, Serenity. He told me that Tea was ill." Serenity was now confused as well.

"Hold on, dear." said Mrs Gardner.

She went and called her daughter down. Tea came down, very much healthy and well.

"Serenity!" she cried happily, pulling Serenity into a welcoming embrace, "It's been so long. How are you?"

"I might ask you the same thing, Tea." said Serenity, whom was still puzzled and a little annoyed, but couldn't help but smile to see her friend again, "Joey told me you've been ill."

Tea paused and looked down at her feet. "That's because I told Joey and the others that." she said finally.

"Why?" asked Serenity.

"Come upstairs to my room." said Tea, "I'll explain there."

Tea led Serenity into her house and they went up the stairs to the former's bedroom. It was comfortable and warm sitting on the bed where Tea was still not explaining why she lied about being ill.

"So are you going to tell me why you lied?" asked Serenity.

"You know me and Yugi are together now?" said Tea.

"Yeah, I'm really happy for you guys. Why?" asked Serenity.

"Well, ever since Atem came back, Yugi has barely acknowledged my existence." said Tea, "He barely talks to me and when he does, he doesn't sound like a boyfriend. He sounds more like a fellow soldier making plans for the battle."

Serenity listened understandingly. Tea told her all about the times Yugi had ignored her and didn't even consider her feelings at several points where he was in danger.

Then Tea said, "And that's not quite the whole story." She looked really embarrassed, and Serenity noticed, ashamed.

"What, Tea?" asked Serenity.

Tea had tears in her eyes and she looked like she couldn't bring herself to say anything to her friend, but she knew Serenity was kind and would only tell other people if Tea permitted it.

"I had feelings for Atem back in the days of Battle City and before." she explained, her eyes avoiding Serenity's, "When he left us, I thought I still had Yugi and eventually, we began to go out together when we reunited after university, but then Atem came back, and while Yugi ignores me, I' my feelings for Atem back!"

Serenity gasped. She was awestruck at Tea's confession.

"So which one do you love most?" asked Serenity.

"I don't know." moaned Tea. She genuinely loved both Yugi and Atem. Deep down, she knew Yugi would always be with her, but she kept having bizarre ideas of going with Atem, should he find a way back to the Spirit World.

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