Chapter 5: Dark Magician Queen

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Yugi and Atem were resting that same night at 10pm. Yugi had continuously apologised for Atem's misfortunes, again and when Solomon saw that they were still without any leads on how to get Atem back home, he made an angry grunting sound, which Yugi ignored, but Atem did feel guilty for putting Yugi through more favours and wasting his time,when he could be focusing on his career, his love life with Tea and his friends.

Even Joey was feeling annoyed at how Atem had dragged Yugi back into the old ways. He knew all too well that if they did find a way to return Atem to the Spirit World, yugi would grieve losing his friend once again. He remembered how Yugi was after his farewell with Atem. He didn't come out for a month, he spoke not a word to his grandpa and didn't ever want to duel. He eventually came to enjoy life without Atem, but now he was back, Joey knew that things were only going to get worse for both his friends.

Tristan was walking over to Joey's house, to see if he wanted to go out for a drink. He was also deep in thought over the last few days. Happy as he was to see Atem again, he too found it hard to comprehend how much Yugi would suffer for his return, because as willing as he was to help Atem get home, Tristan knew it was going to hurt him badly to see his friend leave once more.

No one seemed to be thinking of Tea's feelings though. She lay in bed, still in her clothes from the past day, thinking of how much Yugi loves her, as ever since Atem's return, he had never given Tea the least bit of attention, other than gratitude for her cooperation in their latest mission. But neither did Atem. She was definitely starting to revive her feelings for him, but like before, Atem rarely acknowledged her and he was still oblivious to her romantic feelings. Tea was now stuck. Should she remain with Yugi and be patient with him? After all, he did suffer so much after having to say goodbye to Atem, but then so had she. She hid it from her friends, but cried silently when alone at home. But there was a second option. She could reveal her feelings for Atem and see if he would stay. But that would mean breaking Yugi's heart, very likely destroying their friendship, but then again, their relationship had probably done that already. Tea pondered over what decision to make. At last, she thought, "I'll walk to the Game Shop. I'll decide what to do on the way." And so, slipping on her shoes, Tea departed her bedroom and left for the Game Shop.

Meanwhile, Dr Mirac was busy. Still seething with fury, he had made a decision of his own. He had two men who worked for him as a bodyguard and agents of any profession whether it be science, transport service...or criminal activity to a certain limit. Mirac had summoned the men, Vigor and Keiman to his office.

"You ordered us here, sir?" said Vigor deeply and respectfully.

"Yes" said Mirac quietly, "I have a certain business for you to deal with."

So Vigor and Keiman listened carefully to Mirac's plan...


Tristan arrived at Joey's flat. He knocked three times as his habit was. Joey answered wearing the same clothes aswell. He was yawning however.

"Oh heeeey, Tristan. What's up?" he yawned.

"Wondered if you wanted to go out for a drink or three." said Tristan.

Joey ceased his yawning at once. "Yeah, sure thing. I'd sooner have three."

Tristan laughed. Joey grabbed his shoes. Then after locking up, he and Tristan set out to the bar across the block.  

Also, walking along was Tea. She was almost at the Game Shop, but she was still unable to make a decision. "Yugi or Atem? Yugi or Atem? Yugi or Atem?" she muttered to herself.

When she arrived, she knocked on the door. Solomon opened it.

"Good evening, Tea. Yugi's upstairs with the Pharoah." He said the last word with a certain tenseness in his voice.

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