Chapter 3: Jump Into Another Dimension

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In Domino City, standing tall and proud in the sunshine was KaibaCorp, the company owned and run by Seto Kaiba, second best duelist to Yugi Muto, designer of holographic duel systems and duel disks and owner of Kaibaland. The aforementioned businessman was currently in one of the labs of his company, running a program on one of his virtual world duelling games. He was busy reprogramming one of his more popular and difficult games for a special purpose. He called in the cause for this work.

"It's ready, Mokuba! Your training field is complete. Do you have your deck ready?"

Mokuba, kid brother to Seto was now in his teenage years and was about to be put into training to learn how to become a duelist like his brother. Kaiba himself would supervise this and run the training by altering his virtual game to become a training duel program for Mokuba to practice the strategies and learn the ingenuities of other duelists and their cards. By placing Mokuba into this virtual world, Kaiba would run the game and personally control the monsters and virtual duelists that would come into Mokuba's path. The teenager had no concern for what was before him once he entered the virtual game, as he knew his brother would never place him in danger and there are no wicked stepfathers, nor corrupt workers nor twisted adoptive brothers to do so. Mokuba suddenly had his mind jump to the days where he and Seto were put in danger by Gozaburo Kaiba and the Big Five and how they used the former's biological son, trapped in the virtual world after his body was rendered useless in an accident, to try and tear them apart to virtualise the world. To this day, Mokuba grieved losing his adopted brother, Noah when he had sacrificed his own life to help save Mokuba, whom he had grown to love.

Kaiba interrupted his thoughts. "Eh, kid? You have your deck with you?"

Mokuba fell back to earth. "Er, yes, I have, big bro. Here." He produced his own Duel Monsters deck to his brother.

"Are you sure you're ready for this training, Mokuba? We can wait if you're scared."

Mokuba was as stubborn as his brother.

"Me, scared? Never. I'm totally ready to put you in your place as a duelist, Seto." Heplaced his deck into the virtual game seat and climbed in willingly and enthusiastically.

Kaiba chuckled at this. "Well, as you know, I'm controlling your opponents, Mokey, so I'd like to see you try."

"Bring it on, big brother!" challenged Mokuba. And with that, Kaiba strode to his controls and lowered the seat roof over Mokuba. Then, he controlled the game and Mokuba passed out as his mind entered the virtual world. Kaiba waited a moment and soon a little avatar version of his brother appeared on the screen of his game. Mokuba was walking along a wide field that led to the entrance of what seemed to be a deep, dark forest. From inside the game itself, Mokuba could see in the dark ahead of him; some big red eyes watching from between the trees.

"This must be it!" he thought to himself with excitement. He prepared his virtual Duel Disk and defiantly strode closer to the woodland.

At that moment, a giant Uraby card, Normal Dinosaur type card with 1500 Attack points advanced from the woodland and stood defiantly and intimidatingly before Mokuba. Kaiba watched from the lab, thinking, "You can do it, kid!"

And he could. Mokuba drew a card from his deck and summoned a new card that he himself collected; Loyal Dragon of Kaidom, with 1800 Attack points and 1600 Defense points. Mokuba shouted "Loyal Dragon, Noble Fire Blast!" And his dragon destroyed the Uraby monster and protecting Mokuba's life points.

Kaiba watched on, very pleased with Mokuba's success with his first monster. He thought to himself, "He's got the natural talent I possess."

Kaiba continued laying out monsters as they got stronger in Defense and Attack points. Mokuba easily sabotaged their onslaughts with his own monsters. He was becoming stronger and more experienced.

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