Chapter 19: The Final War

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Mirac was trapped in his own home and surrounded in his laboratory by Zorc and Yami Marik. The Great Leviathan was standing tall and wicked over the Mansion, ready to devour him should he attempt to escape.

"What do you want from me?" moaned Mirac in horror.

"See this card?" said Yami Marik, raising a card from his deck, with the tone of voice as though he was speaking to a mortal incapable of observation.

The card was a Shadow Guard. The giant creature of shadows and darkness rested in its card, as if waiting for something.

"Why?" asked Mirac.

"This card is the symbol of our troops." explained Zorc, "The troops that you are going to give life to for us."

"What?" gasped Mirac.

"We want you to use your famous Mirac-le Machine to give life to our Shadow Guard, but not just one, but a whole army of it." said Zorc.

"But...that's not possible!" cried Mirac, "All the miracles I have granted were not intentional. I granted them by chance. Not one did I purposefully accomplish."

"Then it's just as well that you have us to help." said Zorc in a most wicked voice.

Mirac gulped.

Within a couple of hours, the Shadow Guard was being placed into the Mirac-le Machine. Mirac reluctantly and fearfully said, "We're ready."

Zorc and Yami Marik raised their hands and laughed as the effects of their Shadow powers and the Mirac-le Machine occurred. A moment later, they could hear the droning roars of, certainly, more than one Shadow Guard.

"It'll soon be time." said the triumphant Zorc as he, Yami Marik and the helpless Mirac went to see and command their new creations that were Zorc's Shadow Army.


That evening, Yugi and Atem were sat in the bedroom, discussing the events of the day. However, they kept the subject of Tea at a low, but then there was a hammering on the door. It sounded very urgent and there were muffled yells from the front door, which was locked, as Solomon had locked up after the closing of the shop for that day.

"YUGI! ATEM!" shouted the voice, which they recognised to be Joey's. There came several others which belonged to Tea, Tristan and Serenity.

"What is going on?" asked Yugi as he, Atem and a just as puzzled Solomon rushed down the stairs to attend the summons.

"I don't know, but they sound desperate." replied Atem, trying to not think of the more negative possibilities.

They came to the door and unlocked it. As the door opened, Joey raced past.

"Come on! Upstairs!"

"Let them breathe and speak." said Tristan, whom followed him with Tea, Serenity and also Mai, whom had not been yelling and she looked just as confused as Yugi and Atem.

"What is wrong?" asked Yugi worriedly.

"Just look." said Joey. He was by now in the bedroom and pointed out of the window urgently and shakily.

Everyone looked outside and gasped in shock and horror. There in the distance were what appeared to be giants. They loomed and stood still and they seemed to be stood close to where Dr Mirac's Mansion would be. Also up high above them was what was unmistakably the Great Leviathan. This made Mai collapse on the floor with a paleness spreading over her face. Joey quickly darted over to her for comfort.

"What has happened?" cried Atem.

"What has that idiot Mirac done now?" added Tristan angrily.

Solomon had gone into the living room and now called, "Yugi! Pharaoh!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 6: Miracles Granted (A fanfic of how I ended Yugi's story)Where stories live. Discover now