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April 29th 1985

I finished painting the last wall of the new baby room. We decided to wait a bit to paint. Why, probably because i became really lazy. We decided to go with a light mint green, keeping it simple. John walked in and handed me another sample and sighed.

"I think that was the wrong color". He groaned.

"I like this one". I smiled and set the paint brush down.

"You do? It looks like baby shit green". John laughed.

"No, that's this color". I said and showed him another slip. He nodded.

"So whats left"? He asked and sat on the fold out chair.

"Well, after a while I can't do much so I wanna do as much as I can now. We need to get the crib, the changing table, a swing, stroller-"

"Woah, calm down". He laughed and pulled me to his lap. "I got maybe a hundred bucks on me. I can maybe by the wall stickers and window locks". He joked.

"If I don't get this stuff now then I can't help you. Once I'm all big and full of baby I'm going to have my mood swings and be in pain and just get agitated. I wanna help now". I smiled.

He pulled my face to his and touched our noses. "And we will get there. Right now we need a plan. Maybe set up a budget every month". He smiled.

I was surprised with what I heard. John bender wants to start a budget? He nodded, it's like he read my mind. Did my face give it away?

"I know. But I talked to your dad. I was going to wait and tell you but I got a job with him". He smiled.

"What! That's amazing!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Yeah. I'm going to be his assistant. I'll be in charge of phone calls, meetings and the occasional coffee run". He laughed

"I'm so proud of you. Thank you"  I smiled.

"Thank me? For what?" He asked.

"For being here with me. For getting a job, for just putting up with me".

He went in for another kiss but my mom disrupted it.

"Kylie you have company". She yelled up the stairs.

I groaned as John and I walked out of the baby room and down the steps. There stood my friends. Brian and Claire glared at me as I walked down.

"You're pregnant"? Claire gasped.

I stopped walking down the stairs and John got to the bottom. He shook his head and called them up to the room. Once they followed and got inside the baby's room I shut the door.

"When we're you going to tell us. I had to find out from one of the girls in the locker room."Claire said and paced the room.

"I wanted to tell you both on graduation. I didn't know what was going to happen". I sighed.

Claire shook her head but she wasn't the one I was worried about. It was Brian. He kept quiet and clearly was hurt.

"Brian"? I whispered.

He shook his head and walked over to the window. I walked over to him and went to grab his hand but he hit it away. "You're my bestfriend. How fucking dare you". He hissed and then turned to John.

"Did she even want you to have sex with her? Did you force yourself"? He asked and walked over to John.

"Dont fucking start".

I felt hopeless. I clearly can't do anything right with these guys.

"Brian please. I wanted it as much as John did, now we have a baby on the way. Things happen so this is mine and John's time.  Don't you dare put me down". I said and stood my ground. I've had enough of that from everyone

"Well you're the new rumor of the school. Do you know what they are saying"? Claire asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

"They're saying your a whore who opens her legs for just about anybody". Brian said before Claire got a chance to speak.

"I'm assuming you belive them"?

He didn't say anything.

"You know what you two need to leave". John said as he looked between Claire and Brian.

"No. I have every right to be here. She is my bestfriend"  Brian said and I laughed out.

"Best friend? Fuck you Johnson. The way you just spoken to her, you lost that privilege to call her your friend. Get the hell out of her house". John yelled and pointed to the bedroom door.

Ally and Andrew kept their eyes somewhere else as Claire and Brian turned to them. Even Claire walked past me she rolled her eyes and walked off. When Brian walked past me he mumbled. This set John off as he slammed Brian against the wall.

"John stop"! I yelled.

"What the fuck did you just say"? He hissed.

"I didn't s-say anything". Brian gasped

Andy walked over to John and got Brian out of his hold. Brian then turned me and shook his head as he ran out. His back covered in green paint.

"Fuck them". John said.

"How about we help you paint". Ally said so she could change the subject.

"Why the hell are they so mad. I'm sorry I didn't want to blurt this out to everyone at once!" I snapped and sat on the step.

John sat next to me and pulled me into his side. Andy knelt infront of me. "Things happen. They're just shocked that's all".

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah so am i".

"I bet she would of have amazing baby shower gifts". John mumbled and Ally nodded.

"Expensive things to". She added.

"Guys, not the time". I groaned.


May 1st 1985

Walking down the halls in school with John holding my hand never made attention. Now that my secret got out, that's all they do. John squeezed my hand as we made it to Allys locker.

"Hey so I wanted to talk to you. How far along are you right now?

I shrugged. "About 7 weeks now. Why"? I asked.

"Well I was going some searching and I read that baby's nose and eyelids are forming right now. Isn't that cool"? She asked and smiled.

"Weird but yeah". John sighed. "Is that all you wanted to say"? He asked and nodded his head to me.

"Oh right. Um I'm taking you for a girls night graduation night". She smiled.

"Girls night. Why"? I asked.

"Because you're my best friend and I want you to have some relaxing fun". She smiled.

I turned to John as him and Andy walked off. Okay suspicious much? I turned back to Ally and I gave her a smile. I guess I'm in.

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