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March 20th 1985

After being bed ridden for threw days I was able to make it to school on Friday. It was a dead zone. Today was senior skip day the only problem with it was if you got caught, you had to deal with Vernon. I saw him walk out of his office fixing his collar in the fire extinguisher glass.

Since I was sick there's only one person who would end up having it. John claimed he was okay but last night he was up coughing for the majority of it. Allys mom was nice enough to write him an excuse so Vernon would take it easy on him.

"So Allyson skipped". Andrew sighed as he walked up to my locker.

"Shes not a senior". I smiled and he shrugged his shoulders.

"That's what I said. She said something about having a busy day with the doctor. Do you know what that means"? He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and set my bag inside the locker. "No, but she used to see a therapist a while back". I mentioned.

"A therapist? Why?"

"Stress, home, school. All of it. Sometimes alot can be stressful". I spoke.

"Stress is a big deal. Did she mention she was stressed, like with me"?

I shook my head.

"She keeps quiet about that stuff. Andrew I think it's okay. Sometimes us girls need a second opinion". I smiled and shut my locker.

"Where's lover boy"? He changed the subject.

"Truth be told he's actually sick. He told me he would go to my house in a bit so I'm just passing time until then". I smiled.


I walked into my house, my dad watching TV. "Hey daddy". I smiled.

"Oh good your home. John, she's here"! My dad yelled.

I turned to see John walking out of the kitchen, a cigar between his fingers. "Hiya sweets".

"Hi, what are you doing up? I thought you were sick"? I asked as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Nonsense. I took John here with me to the shooting range. I made him skip". My dad laughed. "What it's senior skip day"! My dad laughed again.

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow as John sighed. "Dont do that". He pouted.

"Dont do what? Give you a glare? Feel disappointed? Oh why not Bender". I sassed.

John's eyes connected to the floor as he bit the inside of his cheek. "Sorry sweets. When your dad asked me I couldn't just say no. I want to make sure this works". He sighed and sat up on the counter.

"John, it will work you just need to let me in on a few things. You're loved No matter what you do or what you don't do. Understand"? I asked.

"Yes ma'am. Love you". He mumbled and gave me a kiss, quite long for a simple okay I love you too kiss. His hand trailed my sides as I pushed back.

"Oh. Not today. You're sick". I giggled and walked up to my room as John watched a game with my dad.


I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed, covered up and my lights were off. I rolled over and my face connected with a bare back. I smiled to myself and kissed him and snuggled closer. Moments like this is what i craved daily. It's like I needed his touch, his kiss, everything of his. I glanced up to see my bedroom door opened and I panicked. I rolled off the bed and ran to my door and shut it. I turned back around to see him still asleep. I would hate myself If I had woken him up. I tiptoed over and knelt infront of him, listening to the soft breathing. I'm so happy he doesn't snore. I could only see parts of him from the street lamp outside of my house and I noticed the knuckles. They were slightly brushed with a tint of red. Did he get into a fight? I kissed his knuckles lightly and when I went to get up he grabbed a hold of my arm.

"I was wondering when you would stop staring at me. Kinda creeped me out". He smirked, his raspy voice definitely a turn on his eyes still shut.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I seen the door opened." I whispered.

He chuckled. "Your dad let me spend the night, as long as the door was open and there wasn't any funny business. I made sure to stay on his good side".

I crawled on top of him and lingered a kiss on the tip of his nose. He exhaled sharp and I wiped my face. "Ass". I said and lightly smacked him.

"It tickled".

He rolled us over so I was now on my side. "Did you know you talk it your sleep"? He whispered.

"I do not".

"You do to".

I sighed. "I don't talk in my sleep John Bender".

He kissed the spot behind my ear. "Yes you do Kylie Chambers. You also moan alot". He laughed.

"John". I groaned.

"Yes just like that". He laughed again.

I grabbed the pillow and put it over my face. "Now I'm embarrassed". I sighed.

"You don't moan. I was messing around but in all honesty you do talk, it's like little muttering". He spoke softly and took the pillow off my face.

"What did I say"?

He snuggled closer into me and pulled me tighter like it was possible.

"You talk about your mom alot, but you ask her to stay more. When you mention your dad you smile". He whispered.

I have a tendency to talk about my parents if I'm stressed, I knew that. I was always a daddy's girl, my mom never understood so she caused fights with my dad then plan a get away. "What else"?

"Well, you mentioned Allyson, besties for life". He said. "Brians a weirdo and then me".

Here comes the embarrassment. I tend to dream about John alot. "Well"?

"You love me and care about me and you told me not to leave you". He got quiet.

I forced myself to crumble into the mattress. Oh God no. Not the break up dream.

"Kylie. Look at me". He said.

I huffed and turned on my back, his face inches away from me.

"Whatever happens to us, way in the future, I will always love you. We will never break because what you and I have is something I'll never find in somebody else. If I go now, if I leave. I'll be on my own and honestly I wouldn't know what to do".

I wiped my eyes. He had such a way with words, nobody would ever guess for him to be this way. I'm happy that I get to see it.

"When you ask me if I'm okay, or if something is wrong, I don't have the answer because when I see you my mind erases everything else and all I think about is you. Does that help your thoughts at least"? He asked.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss. I didn't care if I was uncomfortable with my laying position. I wrapped my left leg around his waist and my arms around his neck, kissing his neck.

"Remember. Best behavior. I like this mattress enough where if your father kicks me out, I'm taking it". He growled and bit my neck lightly.

"Goodnight". I said and gave him one last kiss.

"Nightly night sweets". He whispered and pinched my ass.

I turned back over, his arms now draped around my waist.

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