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April 7th 1985

John POV

I stood in my front yard, staring at the house I once called home. I took a drag of my cigarette, then threw it to the ground. I walked in seconds later, only to see him. He was passed out on the couch, a beer bottle in his hand and an unlit cigarette between his teeth. Fucking pig. His white tshirt stained with whatever ate and his hair greasy.

I walked into my room and grabbed a bag. I needed to get out of here. When the phone rang I sighed and picked it up.

"What"? I asked to the unknown number.

"John. It's Allyson". I heard the small voice on the other line.

"What do you want"? I snapped back.

"Please tell me she told you". She asked.

"You fucking knew"? I asked and threw a couple shirts into my bag.

"Did she"? She asked, Ignoring me.

"Yeah. Yeah she did".

"Please don't leave her". Was she crying?

"What. Are you going to give me an ultermatim too? Are you going to to also assume I'm a piece of shit that just leaves"?

She didn't say anything.

"Listen Allyson. I need some time". I spoke and hung up the phone.

I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands. I glanced up to see a picture of Kylie and I on the mess of my floor and grabbed it. The polarized photo burning my eyes as they teared up.

"Why the fuck are you crying"? My father asked.

"You smell like shit". I said and wiped my eyes, setting the picture in my bag.

"Who got you turned into a pussy"? He chuckled and stumbled his way into my room. "Oh she's hot". He slurred.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some of my things off the dresser. "Piss off old fuck". I hissed.

"Watch your mouth boy. Eighteen or not ill still beat the shit out of you". He said and stood up.

"Listen to me and listen good. You're a piece of shit father who only gets drunk to forget about getting high for the day. I'm fucking leaving". I said and he grabbed me, pushing me against the dresser.

"And where are you gonna go"? He laughed, smacking me in the head.

"Anywhere but here. I would rather be anywhere but here". I said and got up.

The cigarette in his hand made me shake. Please don't burn me.  He stepped closer to me, his breath fanning my face. I always feared him and for what? A couple burns, some bruises? Nothing that I can't handle.

"You're useless, you freeloading, lazy, no good, son of a bitch". He spat.

"What about you dad"? I asked and grabbed my bag.

"Fuck you". He smirked.

I turned to him and shook my head. "For once you gave me reason you piece of shit".

"Oh, how"? He asked taking a swig of his beer.

"Because after being here for Eighteen years, I can proudly say that my child will never endure what I had to go through. Never. Youre about to witness your own child walk out on you. I hope you're happy. Father of year". I said and he grabbed my arm.

"Oh, a baby? Finally get one of them bitches to give in. Was it the brunette that you had to meet her parents"? He asked.

I didn't give into him. " If your kid turns out anything like you, you'll understand son. You'll understand how much of a shit you were and still are. She'll leave you like your mother did us. You'll start drinking and you'll be back here soon". He said and walked past me, pushing me into the door.

"Do the world a favor will ya, use a rubber. We don't need anymore Benders in the world." My dad said and opened another beer.

"Fuck you. I hope you rot in hell with your brother and father. You piece of trash". And that set him off.

My father tackled me to the ground and started to take hits. I've never fought back but today was different. I held alot of anger. With one hit he was knocked over to the ground, groaning in pain. I laid there hearing his wheezing next to me and hissed as i got up. I got up, holding my nose and grabbed a towel. I was bleeding. Great.

I walked to the bathroom, grabbed some more stuff and when I walked back out he was struggling to get up.

"Do us all a favor and stay there. You know, you could have just been a father to me. Things would have been different". I spat and opened the front door.

"And what would have that taught you"? He asked.

I laughed. That's all I could do.

"That would have made me the man Im supposed to be. You couldn't handle it. You never could". I said and wiped the last of the blood off of my nose.

"I didn't want any of this". He smirked.

"Yeah. Well either did your ten year old". I said and walked out.

I may have ruined everything in the past but Kylie and that baby was my future and I sure as hell don't want to ruin that child's life like my old man did to mine.

I put my things in the car and started it. I wasn't sure where I was going, maybe time away would do me some good. I knew that once I back out of this driveway I was on my own. Maybe that's what I needed.

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