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My mother sat there, looking down at hardwood floor. She didn't seem mad, just very shocked. She twirls her wedding band around her finger and then looked at me.

"How far along"? She questioned.

"Not quite sure. I'm making a doctor appointment, or im in the process". I said.

"You have drank or done drugs since you found out"? She asked. What kind of person does she think I am? I mean I know I'm not smart right now but give me some credit.

"No ma'am".

"When did it happen "? My dad asked.

Do I tell them it happend in my bedroom, right down the hall from them? Or do I lie?

"John's house, couple weeks ago". I said.

My mother nodded and stood up. "Does John know"? She asked.

I shook my head. "No. You're the only ones I told". I whispered. These lies were getting out of hand now.

"Its to late to call him over. We can do it tomorrow. I'm going with you to the appointment. I'll call my doctor in the morning to see if they can squeeze you in". She said. No emotions following.

"If you guys are mad you need to tell me. I can't walk around and pretend I didn't screw up my life for you both to lie about how you feel". I cried.

"Oh honey. No. Come here". She said and pulled me to her. "I'm not mad. It's just a lot to take in. I'm just scared sweetheart. Will John be okay with this"? She asked.

"That's the thing I'm afraid of. I'm not sure". I sighed.

"Well babydoll, if John decides to stay I want to keep you both close to home. I knew he was looking at apartments a while back. I would rather you both  be here". Dad suggested.

"Yeah, good luck getting John to do that". I felt defeated. Lost.

"That's the thing. If that boy chooses to stay it will be with our benLast. Our rules. If he doesn't then he doesn't get a say".

I nodded. Tough love is what I needed.

"And you didn't screw up your life, you just made it over the first speed bump that's all". My dad smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"What about his parents. How will they react"? My mom asked and I shook my head.

"No. We aren't keeping his parents involved".

"Why not"? They asked in unison

"Because, that's a whole different situation that I would rather have John tell you. It's not my place". I whispered.

"Okay then. Another day. You need to tell him. If not tonight then tomorrow And we all need to take a step back and understand eachother". My dad said and walked over to the bottom of the stairs.

"Why are you two so calm about this"? I asked.

They gave eachother a look before turning to me. "That's another story to tell". My mom smiled and followed my dad up to bed.

Once they went to bed I chose to do the same. As I made it to my bedroom I noticed my patio door opened and John sitting there. I got in and shut the door, his hand on his knees, staring at me.


He didn't speak. His intense stare had me frazzled. I sat on my bed and faced forward. I can do this.

"John"? I asked but he stood up.

"Please just tell me. I don't think I can play it off anymore". He spoke before me.

"What"? I asked and he paced the room.

"I was the one who cleaned out the fire pit at camp. Your little secret didn't burn the whole way". He hissed. "When we're you gonna tell me? In nine months when your the size of a fucking watermelon and about to give birth"? He said and walked to the window.

"John its not that easy. I'm scared to". I said but he quickly turned to me.

"Scared. You think I'm scared. I'm fucking terrified beyond belief. I can't manage a steady head on my shoulders and this shit happens"? He pulled at his hair.

"My fault I guess huh. I should have just kept my legs shut". I snapped and stood up.

"You can't be pregnant. You just cant".

"And what would you like me to do. Pretend that I'm not"?

"Was this your plan the whole time"?

I felt like i just got stabbed in the heart.

"Excuse me"? I laughed. "You think I had this planned?"

He didn't say anything.

"What did you think I had planned knowing that neither one of us have our life together and a baby would fix that? Of course not you douchebag. I didn't think we would be in this situation". I said and walked up next to him.

"I can't be a dad. Do you think I'm even close enough to that part of my life. Fuck". He said.

"I'm not ready either but it happened".

John shook his head. "It happened because of me. I ruined your life". He said and sat down on the bed.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. He didn't ruin anything.

"It was both of us." I sighed and sat next to him. "This is just one of those speed bumps we have to get over". I repeated my dad from earlier.

We stayed quiet as a small knock came to my door. When I saw my parents I felt like I could throw up.

"I wanna talk to you two". My dad spoke and walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm here sir. I needed to-" but my dad raised his hand.

"You're not in trouble John. I don't care". He said.

"What you two did can't be undone and that's the shitty part of having a baby at a young age, but it did happen and now you guys need to work together." My mother spoke.

"Hearing both of you blame yourselves is not what we want. We want you two to feel for once. Let me ask you a question, are you in love"? My dad asked.

"I love your daughter with all of my heart". John spoke quietly.

My dad nodded. "Then show her you do. Support her and Kylie you need to do the same for John. If you can't then maybe for the baby's sake you take it one step at a time. You have months to figure things out." My mother said.

"John, Mary is going to set an appointment for Kylie this week to check her out. You're more than welcome to go for the visit. If you feel like this is to much then leaving today will be best". My dad spoke and stood up.

"I'm going to bed. Try not to stay up to late". He said and walked out of my room with my mother behind him.

We stayed quiet. Like neither one of use knew what to say. John stood up and walked over to my bedroom door, walking out without saying a word. My heart sank, feeling broken in every possible way. I curled up on my bed, bringing my legs to my chest.

He left me. He actually left me.

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