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April 1st 1985

We sat in studyhall, cutting out letters for student council billboards for graduation. Mrs. Morgan hung up things on the door as the other kids whispered around her. John turned to me as he cut out another snowflake and I groaned.

"Letters John". I whispered.

"I can't cut them out right. I decided against it and made people instead". Showing me a cut out of people holding hands.

"I don't get you sometimes, you can't cut out the letter 'Q', but you can make that"?

He shrugged his shoulders and sat back. I looked up to see Claire and Andy standing by the door smiling and then Andrew walked to Mrs. Morgan.

"I got a letter from Principal Vernon, he needs to see Kylie and John".

Mrs Morgan rolled her eyes and signed the note, waving us off. I grabbed my bag and John walked us out if the room.

"What did I do now"? John asked.

"Nothing. Vernon isn't in so we have a sub. I told him we have community service to do, we're leaving". Claire smiled.

"I taught you well red". John smiled as we made it outside of the school and into the student parking lot.

"Why are we doing this"? I asked and Claire stopped once we reached her car.

"I'm treating you guys to a getaway this weekend and we are starting now. Since Andrew, John and I are done with school in the next couple weeks we want to show you that you're still a apart of us". Claire smiled and handed me a card.

"A card. I pitched in 10 dollars for you to get her a card"? John asked and lit a cigarette.

"That's only part one". Claire groaned.

I opened the card to a picture of all of us the first time we actually hung out.

"Thank you". I smiled.

"Okay, Ally and Brian are coming. Let's get this shindig on the road". Andrew smiled and got into Claire's car. This time it wasn't the BMW, it was a jeep . I got in the back, John sliding in next to me, Brian next to him.

"Still can't find a bigger car can ya red"? John asked trying to stretch his arms.

"I'm sorry, cars only have three seats for the back, Kylie"? She turned to me and I slid out. Once Brian and Andrew switched seats so he could sit next to Ally in the back I slid across all of them, laying my head on John's lap.

"You know what, i like this car". John chuckled

"So where are we going"?  Brian asked, his face pressed against the car window.

"My family has a cabin an hour out. My dad said as long as we don't touch his scotch we can use it for the weekend". Claire smiled.

"Now I'm in the mood for scotch". John mumbled

"Wait, I don't have any clothes". I said and peaked up over the front seat

"I have it all covered. You dad let me pack you a bag". She said.

I laid my head back down and looked at John. He was biting his lip, watching the outside world from the window. What was he thinking about? I reached my hand up, touching his neck and then poked his chin. He looked down at me and rested his hand on my chest.

"Hey can we not have intercourse in the back seat, I'm still trying to hold my lunch down". Brian said as he turned to us.

"I suggest you look away then."

"Why can't you be nice to me"? Brian asked.

"I am being nice, you just can't take sarcastic comments". John mumbled.

"I take your comments all the time. But thats my friend, quit touching her". Brian groaned.

John's hand cupped my breast and bent down to put his mouth over one of them. Brian groaned and turned back around. John pulled away and I noticed the mouth mark on my light pink tank top. John laughed.

"Okay everyone. We're about to hit the main highway. Are you ready"? Claire asked.

"I gotta piss". John groaned.

"Every time". Andrew laughed and Claire pulled over to the 7/11 across the school.

"We're lost aren't we"? Ally asked.

"No we aren't lost". Claire sighed, not believing a word she says herself.

"That's the same tree from the other hundred times I saw it. We're fucking lost". John spit. "I told you to take the center highway until you saw no city life, well Claire, there's definitely not any life around because you passed it when putting on your lip gloss".

"Shut it will you. I smuged it on accident". She defended and John hit the door.

"Stop the car". He said leaving me smacked against the seat when he leant forward.

"What, why"? Claire asked and pulled over.

Darkness around the car made it a tab bit frightening.

"Okay good. Now get out". He hissed and moved me onto Andy and Allys laps.

He got out of the car and opened the driver's door. Claire got out and got into the backseat as John started to drive.

"How the hell do you know where to go"? Brian asked as he turned to John.

"My aunt and unless piece of shit uncle used to go to the same cabin area for parties and whatnot. I went up there two different times, had my first beer there". He smirked.

I laid my head back down but now onto Claire's lap. She played with my hair and I shut my eyes. I was getting carsick. "Can you slow down, Kylie looks sick". Ally spoke up.

John brought his hand back to reach for mine and then pulled over again. "Trade her spots". He nudged Brian.

He rolled his eyes and got out. I climbed out, only to fall on the rocks and scrape my elbows. I got up and walked over to the passenger side, only to throw up before I got in.

"Shit. Here". Andrew said and handed me a tissue.

"I forgot you get car sick in the back". Claire spoke as Brian took her seat so she could lay on everyone.

"Its okay, nobody knew". I wiped my mouth and shut the door. Now I was ready to go.

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