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March 17th 1985

"And I'm saying you're a fucking idiot"! John yelled at Andrew for a third time today.

We sat under the bleaches during free peroid as John and Brian smoked. Since we have all been hanging out alot it's getting to John, something about not having any free time. I offered to leave but he told me no.

"Well maybe if you didn't smoke out of the bathroom window, Vernon wouldn't have caught you, now I'm the one he yelled at"! Andrew yelled back.

"Wait, John smoked and you got in trouble"? Brian asked, John laughed.

"Because he told me to hold the cigarette while he and hid in the stall to take a piss". Andrew sighed.

"Look. Will it make it any better if I pretended to apologize"? John batted his eye lashes at Andrew.

"Fuck off".

"Okay enough". Ally said and pulled Andrew with her. "We need to go". She smiled and they waved us off.

"Looks like it's us three". Brian smiled and John gave him a glare. "Okay then just me"? Brian asked looking at me.

"Mr. Bender needs alone time." I giggled and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You know that's not the case". He whispered and kissed my cheek.

"Well I have nothing to do. Claire said she was busy after school. I'm bored". Brian groaned and put the joint on the ground, stepping on it once it was finished.

"You won't even know I'm here". He begged.

John rolled his eyes and slipped on his jean jacket. Turning to me and gave me a kiss. "Good luck". He smirked and walked off, leaving Brian and I under the bleachers.


"And then she told me she has all this stuff to do and it's been a week since we actually hung out". Brian said as we walked home from school.

"She has so many groups she's with. She's busy Brian". I sighed.

"It just doesn't make sense". He sighed and when we reached his house he stopped.

"Are your parents home"? He asked.

"No. Denver". I said. I notice John pull up.

"Same. Must be another getaway". He sighed and i followed him into his house. A moment of silence then he started to blab.

"Did you know that if your not sleeping with anybody you're considered a prude but if you are sleeping with someone you're like a big whore". He asked.

"What brought this on"? I asked and sat down.

"Its a trap. If someone wants to, they wish that they didn't afterwards. Or you can be a what they call tease and not know it". Brain said using air quotes around "tease".

"You're only a tease if you get someone hot and bothered. "John spoke, walking into Brians house.

"Ah, knocking is allowed".

"Oh sorry. Ill send a Telegram next time". John fake smiled and sat next to me.

"Wait let's trail back here. Someone is a tease if they get you hot"? I asked.

"Basically". John said.

"What do you consider someone who just sleeps around then"? Brian asked.

"Whore". John spoke bluntly.

"Then what about someone who is considered a tease".


"So much terminology here. It's so crazy". Brian sighed and put his face in the pillow.

"What do you call someone who is in a serious relationship and they have sex"? I asked now turning to John.

"Wife material". He smirked, keeping his head down and pulled the strings from the pillow.

"No. That's considered a person who knows what they want". Brian said.

"Either way. It's the interrelation of it. Whore is to slut as prude is to virgin".

"I'm sick of this. I'm going to be a junior soon. This is childish, im not talking about my sex life with you". He groaned.

"You brought it up. When have you ever gotten laid"? John asked.

"Pardon"? Brian asked, kind of shocked

"When was the last time you've gotten laid"? John asked again.

"I've laid lots of times".

"Yeah, when"? John enjoyed this.

"Shes from Canada, I met her in Niagara falls". Brian sighed.

"Ever laid anyone around here"?

The room became quiet as John chuckled. Brian then shushed him. I cleaned up the living room a bit as they talked.

"Oh, so you and Kylie did it"? John gasped.

"Excuse me"? I asked.

"Drop it". Brian panicked.

"No, what are you talking about"? I asked and sat down on John's lap.

"Well with all of  the number of girls in the Niagara falls area, that presently you and he are riding the hobby horse". John laughed.

"Pig". I said and laid back down.

"John said I was a cherry and I didn't say anything"? Brian was in full panic.

"Then why were you motioning to Kylie"?

"He's lying".

"So you weren't motioning to Kylie"? John teased.

"You know his lying". Brian was tense and looking at me.

"Were you or were you not motioning to Kylie"? John asked again. This caused Brian to go into a panic attack.

Brian sighed. "I did but I didn't want her to think I was a virgin. I'm sorry that it's my business, my personal business". Brian spoke.

"Well dork it doesn't sound like you're doing any business". John laughed, he was getting a crack out of this.

"Brian it shouldn't matter. You're a nice guy. It will happen sooner or later". I smiled.

"Yeah if he goes to the falls". John chipped out and started laughing again.

"Nice doesn't get you anywhere. Why can't I be like John"? He sighed.

John laughed again and then turned to me. "He can't be serious".

"Okay tough guy. Are you a virgin. Let's hear it". Brian spoke and I smacked John before he could make a sarcastic comment.

"Full blown cherry. Guilty".

"He's not a Virgin Brian". I said and shut my eyes.

"Yes. This lucky lady took it from me". He fake smiled.

"Wait. You two had sex"? Brian asked.

"Yeah. I told her I was waiting for the right person and soon after that she was riding me like the girl in Canada did to you".

"Okay that's enough. Brian, losing your virginity isn't a first place prize. It's about finding the one you love". I smiled and grabbed John's hand.

"Its also about finding the one who can actually sit there and put up with your bullshit. It's very few that do that". John said and got up off the couch. "All this talk about losing virginity is making me hard. Can we leave"? He asked me me

"Nice. Just perfect". Brian groaned.

What am I going to do with these two.

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