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I took the last hit of my joint as Brian got up and stretched. Andrew, Claire and Allyson sat across us. Brian walked over, patting his pants. "Where's my wallet"? He asked.

Allyson small giggle made us all look over as she pulled it out of her bra. Brian got mad and grabbed it back and sat down. "Oh so you're a thief"?

"I'm not a thief, you left it on the table". Ally said and pulled out a driver's license. "All that's in there is a fake ID and a beaver shot". She rolled her eyes.

"No way, let's see". Andrew smiled and Claire hit his arm.

"If you guys are going to look at my stuff I wanna see yours"? Brian spoke and John laughed.

"Alright but i dont want to shy anybody out". John said and pretended to unzip his pants.

I pushed him back down as he grabbed my hand. High Bender was flirty Bender. He grabbed the ring off of my finger and slid it on his. It doesn't even reach his knuckle.

"Ugh, gorgeous". He said in a feminine voice, causing me to laugh.

"Claire, let me see your purse". Brian asked and she shook her head.

"Absolutely not". She laughed and Andrew handed her his wallet. In a sigh of defeat she handed Brian her purse.

Ally dumped her purse on the floor next to Andrew and she put mine down behind me. Andrew stared at the items on the floor and looked shocked.

Bender held his hand out to me like he was waiting for me to out my items there. When I shook my head he sighed and dug in his back pocket, handing me his wallet. I gave in once again and reached back over the couch and grabbed my bag. I handed him the black purse and he dumped it out on his lap, my legs still there.

"This is the worst fake ID I've ever seen". Claire spoke to Brian.

"I only use it to vote". He responded.

"Its says your sixty-eight".

We all laughed as Andrew still tried to understand Allys purse. I opened Benders wallet, noticing it wasn't his ID in the slot but a random credit card. I looked up to see him brushing his teeth with my eyebrown brush.

"Who's Devin Dean"? I laughed.

"I don't know".

"Why do you have his card"?

"I found it in the parking lot".

"You know it's illegal". I giggled.

"Only if i use it". He smirked and sprayed my perfume.

As I flipped though I noticed the different girl pictures in the slots.

"Are these friends, girlfriends"? I asked.

He stiffend up a bit. "Some of them". He said and opened my makeup bag. "Some i just consider". He mumbled and took a breath mint.

"Consider"? I questioned.

"meaning if I consider hanging out with them, i have options". He said and turned to look at me. "Ah minty fresh".

I felt embarrassed again. This guy is just a player. I glanced over to Claire as she smirked at me, basically telling me she won. I felt my face go tense. I was so stupid.

John quickly took the wallet from my hands and shoved it back into his pocket. He put the things back in my purse and set it down next to his feet. He pulled me onto his lap and flipped me upside down by my legs so my head was on the floor.

"Watch her head Bender". Andrew chuckled.

"Is she smiling yet"? He questioned.

Brian turned his head to the side then moved his body so he was looking upside down. I kept my composer as Brian laughed. "Shes trying not to".

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