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February 23rd 1985

It was Friday night. I was sitting in my living room with my parents as they watched some show on the television. I tried to read my science notes but I wasn't in the mood to study. I set my things down and cleared my throat.

"Mom, dad"? I called out.

My mom set her knitting stuff down, my dad turning his attention to me from the television.

"I got a Saturday detention". I whispered.

My mom gasped. "What do you mean you got a Saturday! " She yelled.

"There was a kid who said some stuff about me. I went to talk it out with him and he continued". I said and my mom stood up.

"I can't believe this. You're seventeen years old. How about you start growing up! Oh my goodness Kylie Rose. Do you not think"? She said and stormed off into the kitchen.

My dad chuckled as he turned to me. "This boy. Did he deserve it"? He asked.

I nodded. "Daddy, I did it for myself". I spoke.

"This boy, is this the one that caused the first Saturday". He asked and I shook my head.

"No sir."

He nodded and picked up one of his cigars, lighting it up and taking a puff.

"The tall one, the one with the earrings and the hair. The one that came here one morning and asked to sit and wait for you. Are you seeing that boy"? He asked.

I felt my face get hot and I nodded.

My dad nodded again and turned to the television. "Nice guy. Very polite. Could dress better though". He smiled. "Babydoll. I'm not mad that you got a detention. I'm mad that you didn't come to me when you were in trouble". He sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry daddy". I whispered and he shook his head.

"Dont be sorry babydoll. As long as your safe and smart. I put all my trust in you, given the circumstances you've had to deal with eariler in life. You weren't meant to he perfect, just remember that." He smiled.

This was the first time that my dad showed any sort of commitment to me. I always thought he was mad at me for getting his brother thrown in jail.

"As for this boy. I would like to properly meet him. It doesn't matter when. I wanna see who my baby girl hangs out with. Got it"? He asked and I nodded.

I got up and walked over to him, crawling into his lap as he rocked us back and forth. I remember doing this when I was little. He rubbed my back and kissed my temple. After our talk we watched some more television until it was time for bed.


February 24th 1985

I walked Into the library where detention was held. Andrew waved to me, Ally was asleep and Brian was working on something, giving me a smile as i walked in. A pair of arms went around my waist, practically waking me to the table and sitting us down.

John laid his head on the table and I think passed out. Poor baby.

I looked up to see Jason walking in with a smug look on his face, Claire behind him. Why was she here?

"Alright. I don't need to go over the rules. Just sit here and be quiet. If you want that to work, I suggest not waking that one up". Vernon spoke as he pointed at John.

He walked off and Jason turned to face all of us.

"Well lookie here. The breakfast club. Do you have daily rituals? Blood check ins"? He asked.

Ally laughed and then flicked him off. He turned back to Claire and she shook her head.

"Why are you here"? Brian asked Claire.

"I was standing there, Vernon said i was involved. I guess the award goes to most violent couple". Claire glared at me.

John shot his hand up in the air with the middle finger to her. I patted his back and sat back into the wooden chair.

"I can't be here. I haven't slept in a week"! Ally groaned and laid her head on Andrew's shoulder. He nodded in agreement.

"Let's just get this seven hours done and over with." I sighed.

John was now fully asleep next to me. I giggled when his body twitched and he shot up but then fell back to sleep. I turned to Claire, she was peaking at me from under her curls. Eventually I'll be talking to her, but for right now I just needed a minute to complain about why I'm here.


It was only eight and I have done nothing but scribble in a notebook. John was walking around with a cigarette in his mouth, Brian was studying, Andrew and Ally were asleep on the beanbag in the back and Claire and jason were talking. John came up behind me and kissed my neck as his hands traveled down the front of me. I wore my black sweatpants today so it gave him the opportunity to play with the strings on the waistband.

"Wanna go over to the dictionary area. They got soundproof pillows". He smirked and I smacked his hand.

"Not here". I laughed.

"Tease". He smirked.

"Hey queenie. This your boyfriend nowadays". John asked Claire.

"John please". She pleaded

Once John starts he doesn't stop. I decided against myself to stop him. It was entertaining.

"Have ya done it yet. Is there going to be a white wedding"? He asked and walked up to stand infront of him.

"Bender". Jason sighed. Was he not in the mood? John took his nap. He was ready to go.

"Can't I ask? It's only nice". He smirked.

"Shut up". Jason spit.

"Watch it pretty boy. Wouldn't want to start something now would you". John spoke and leant over the table.

Jason turned to look away and Claire shook her head. John felt satisfied and walked over to Brians table, messing up his book and then over to Andrew and Ally. I glanced back as he jumped, and lands on the both of them.

"Fuck Bender"! Andy yelled out

"Cmon sporto, i wanna play"! John pouted.

"I thought you were asleep". Ally groaned.

"I was. Now I'm up. Just remember, if you don't use protection this is what you have to look forward to for 18 years". He smirked and rolled over them and walked back over to me.

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