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As lunch ended and the caios calmed down I finally made it to my study hall. Once there I set my things down and sat in the back of the room, as if right on time John Bender walked in as the late bell went off and the teacher shook her head, instantly handing him a pink detention slip.

"Thanks Mary". He smiled and she rolled her eyes.

It was only John and I today, all the other kids went on the ski trip. I felt him staring at me so I looked up.

"Kylie right"? He asked.

Butterflies bursts through my body as my face got hot. Why does he do this to me? I quickly nodded so I wouldn't seem weird. He looked over at Mrs.Morgan and moved back next to me in the row. "So what did Jason say to you at lunch"? He asked, going right to the awkward moment.

"H-He um. He asked me to go to the s-supply closet with him". I spoke and cut some of the student council paper hearts to hang up for valentines day.

During study hall if you talk you get in trouble and I wasn't in the mood so I got up and moved a seat in front of where I was, only for him to follow. In study hall you study or you're a slave to student council and all of their bullshit decorations.

"Hey sweets what are you trying to do, ignore me"? He asked and all I did was nod.

"You couldn't ignore of me you tried". He smirked.

"Bender, Chambers enough". Mrs. Morgan sassed.

I gave her a apologetic smile and shooed him away. He chuckled to himself and sighed.

"So would you have went"? He whispered.

"Can you stop"? I begged. I really didnt want to get in trouble.

"Hey I'm just asking. If you say yes it's not like I'm going to judge you or anything. Cherry or not".

I turned to him as the confusion came in. "Cherry"?

He nodded and folded the detention slip into a paper airplane.

"Cherry, oh I'm sorry, how do you younger kids say it, a Virgin". He smirked.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Out of everyone in this school he was the one who I thought wouldn't ask me something like that.

"Screw you".

He smirked.

"No better yet. Fuck you". And that was the icing on the cake.

"Miss Chambers. Thats detention"! Mrs. Morgan yelled as she grabbed the pink slips out of her desk.

I turned to Bender and smacked his arm hard. "What the hell Bender"! I yelled.

He didn't say anything as the teacher walked over and slammed the slip on my desk. "For that foul language you just landed yourself a Saturday".

"Well, well. Looks like I have a buddy for tomorrow". John smiled and grabbed one of the paper hearts, ripping it in half and shoving it into his jean jacket pocket.


That night was rough, going home to see nobody there. Mom told me she would be back tonight but never showed. I laid my things on the couch and walked into the kitchen. Of course there was nothing to eat so I picked some crackers from the box on top of the fridge. Tomorrow I would be in detention all because of Bender. He did all of that on purpose. He never talks to me, what made today so special and what the hell was that about with the lunch situation? I walked into the living room and flipped on the television. Nothing on this thing would make me feel better. Just as i moved to get comfortable a knock on the door ruined the shitty mood I was in and made it worse.

"To answer, or not to answer is the question". I mumbled and made it to the front door.

Why the hell was Brian here? I opened it to him holding another paper rose and a container of what looks like gravy.

"Hey you. I didn't see you after your study hall so I came to make sure you we're okay, oh and my mom made you some roast. She told me to tell you that there isn't salt on it or-"

"Brian please". I cut him off. "Listen I'm not feeling good. Do you mind if I take a rain check? I just really want to sleep". I spoke.

"Oh yes, absolutely. My bad. I just assumed Claire and her friends messed with you and that's why you left". He spoke and walked in past me.

"You're close but I kinda wish it was Claire". I said rolled my eyes. This is what I get for being neighbors with him.

He smiled, walked in more and walked to the kitchen. Brian has been here before, growing up we were close but kind of distanced through the years after he tried to kiss me at the schools homecoming dance in seventh grade. He's a good kid, kinda weird now.

"Close? What happened"? He asked.

I sat on the couch and wrapped myself in the blanket. "I got a Saturday". I groaned.

Brians face expression dropped when he heared my devastating news. "You're kidding. I heard it's going to be packed tomorrow". He said and I laughed.

"Packed? Detention is going to be packed"? I giggled.

"Well that's why I wanted to talk to you eariler, a whole bunch of people got into it before dimissal. It was Claire and that Ally girl, Claire shoved her which the art teacher seen, and Ally pushed back with Vernon seeing that. Then that Andrew kid got I'm trouble for tapeing my friend Larry to a toilet seat after gym class. Oh and don't forget about Bender and Jason with the whole lunch thing. They didnt give Jason a slip though, just John". He said

Good for Ally. I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself. But why didn't John tell me he got detention for that?

Screw Andrew.

I can't stand Claire.

My heart breaks for John. Not because he got detention, but the way that his personality gets him into so much trouble. I'm greatful for what he did for me eariler, still kind of mad about the study hall issue.

"Well you can add me to the list then"? I sighed and turned the channel.

"Dont go. Maybe your mom can talk to Vernon"? He suggested but I shook my head. Nothing will fix this. Getting detention for something stupid also counts as an actual detention. No change about it.

"Nope. I'm just going to have to suffer the consequences. It's called a quiet study hall for a reason". I sighed and then fully turned to him.

"Let's go eat some of that roast". I smiled and got up and walked into the kitchen.

"So, you got the detention in studyhall. Was it Morgan? She hands those out like candy".

I nodded. "Yeah. Bender and I kinda got into it". I sighed.

"What! I'll kill him". Brian stood up clenching his fist and I laughed.

"Calm down rocky. It was my fault. I told him to fuck off and it was a bit loud". I smiled.

Brian nodded and opened the container and grabbed two bowls. "Good. Cause he doesn't want the wrath of me".

I rolled my eyes again. I do this anymore today they will roll to the back of my head.

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